Ben Hartley - ENT Specialist in London, United Kingdom | Book Video Consult |


"At Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), Ben Hartley is a consultant ENT and head and neck surgeon. Additionally, he serves as an honorary Senior Lecturer at University College London's Institute of Child Health (ICH). He oversees the ENT specialization. He has focused solely on pediatric ENT conditions. His research examines the complete range of pediatric ENT diseases. He is well known for operating on pediatric head and neck tumors as well as lymphatic and vascular abnormalities. He is particularly interested in laryngo-tracheal repair and other airway surgeries. He oversees the GOSH cochlear implant program as the senior surgeon. At St Georges Hospital Medical School (MBBS 1990), he finished his medical education in London. He earned a BSc in Basic Medical Science with Biochemistry during his training (BSc honors, University of London, 1987). After completing his basic surgical training in London, he was able to pass the Royal College of Surgeons of England's Applied Basic Science Exam (Primary FRCS). As the UK applicant who performed the best overall, he received the renowned Hallet Medal."


  • BSc
  • MBBS
  • FRCS


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