Dr. Michael Baker - Hematologist in Toronto, Canada | Book Video Consult |


Canadian physician, scholar, and cancer researcher Michael Allen Baker, CM OOnt. He is a professor of medicine at the University of Toronto, the Rose Family Chair in Medicine, and the former Physician-in-Chief of the University Health Network. His work has advanced knowledge of other cancers as well as human leukaemia. Baker, who was born in Toronto, Ontario, went to Oakwood Collegiate Institute before earning his M.D. in 1966 from the University of Toronto. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada with a focus in Hematology and Internal Medicine. He graduated from the National Board of Medical Examiners in 1967. He started working as a professor of medicine at the University of Toronto in 1982. He was appointed Physician-in-Chief of Toronto General Hospital in 1992. He was on the board of the Canadian Cancer Society for five years while serving three years as president of the National Cancer Institute of Canada. [2] He was chosen in 2008 to lead the government's patient safety agenda as the Executive Lead - Patient Safety for the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. He was chosen as the Institute of Evaluative Sciences' Board Chair in 2011. (ICES).


  • C.M.
  • O.Ont


  • Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, 2006


  • Member of the Order of Canada, 2008
  • President of the National Cancer Institute of Canada
  • Board member of the Canadian Cancer Society
  • Board Member of the Toronto General and Western Hospital Foundation and Toronto Medical Laboratories


  • Through more than a century of research published in prestigious scientific and medical journals, he identified the features of leukaemia cells, showed how patients reacted to these features, and finished therapeutic experiments that paved the way for contemporary leukaemia therapy.
  • He has served as the chair of cancer research committees for the National Cancer Institute of Canada, the Medical Research Council of Canada, the Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation, and the Alberta Cancer Board.


  • Bone Marrow Transplant Allogenic
  • Bone Marrow Transplant Autologous
  • Bone Marrow Transplant Haplo BMT
  • Chaemotherapy
  • Cyber Knife
  • D2 Distal Radical Gastrectomy
  • Disarticulation Hip Oncosurgery
  • Gama Knife for Brain Tumor
  • Image Guided radiation therapy IGRT
  • Intensity Modulated Radiation therapy IMRT
  • Lobecotomy or Bilobectomy Pulmonary
  • Mastectomy Modified Radical Oncosurgery
  • Pancreatectomy Distal and Splenectomy Oncosurgery
  • Pneumonectomy Oncosurgery
  • Thyroidectomy Total
  • Total Colectomy


Hematologist Dr. Michael Baker works in Toronto's Downtown.

Dr. Michael Baker is affiliated with Toronto General Hospital, Toronto.

Following are some of procedures carried out by Dr. Michael baker as a hematologist: Transfusions, Thrombosis, Hematologic malignancy, Bone marrow transplant and many more.

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