Stem Cell therapy for Spinal Cord Injuries cost in India
The cost of Stem Cell therapy for Spinal Cord
Injuries in India ranges from USD 5500 to USD 10000
Stem Cell therapy for Spinal Cord Injuries:
Stem cell treatment, also known as regenerative medicine, uses stem cells or their derivatives to enhance the repair response of sick, dysfunctional, or wounded tissue. It's the next step in organ transplantation, and it relies on cells rather than donor organs, which are in short supply.
Stem cells are the body's raw materials — they are the cells that give rise to all other cells with specific tasks. Stem cells divide to generate new cells called daughter cells under the correct conditions in the body or in the lab. These daughter cells differentiate into new stem cells or specialized cells with a specific purpose, such as blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells, or bone cells (differentiation). No other cell in the body has the potential to produce new cell types on its own.
Stem Cell therapy:
Stem cell treatment, also known as regenerative medicine, uses stem cells or their derivatives to enhance the repair response of sick, dysfunctional, or wounded tissue. It's the next step in organ transplantation, and it relies on cells rather than donor organs, which are in short supply.
Stem cells are the body's raw materials — they are the cells that give rise to all other cells with specific tasks. Stem cells divide to generate new cells called daughter cells under the correct conditions in the body or in the lab. These daughter cells differentiate into new stem cells or specialised cells with a specific purpose, such as blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells, or bone cells (differentiation). No other cell in the body has the potential to produce new cell types on its own.
Disease Overview:
Spinal Cord Injuries
Damage to the spinal column's vertebrae, ligaments, discs, or spinal cord itself can cause spinal cord injuries. A sudden, traumatic blow to your spine that fractures, dislocates, crushes, or compresses one or more of your vertebrae can result in a traumatic spinal cord injury.
Disease Signs and Symptoms:
The following signs and symptoms could result from a spinal cord injury:
- Loss of bowel or bladder control - Exaggerated reflex activities or spasms - Loss of sensation, including the ability to feel heat, cold, and touch
- Modifications to sexual function, sexual sensitivity, and fertility - Pain or a sharp stinging sensation brought on by damage to spinal cord nerve fibres - Difficulty breathing, coughing, or clearing lungs of secretions
emergency symptoms and signs
Following an accident, the following emergency symptoms and signs of a spinal cord injury include:
- Severe back discomfort or pressure in the neck, head, or back
Paralysis, clumsiness, or weakness in any body part
- A strangely positioned or twisted neck or back
- loss of bladder or bowel control
- difficulty walking and balancing, and numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation in your hands, fingers, feet, or toes
Disease Causes:
The following are the most frequent reasons for spinal cord injuries: - Auto accidents. Spinal cord injuries are most frequently caused by automobile and motorcycle accidents.
- Falls. After the age of 65, falls are the most common reason for spinal cord injuries.
- Violent encounters, usually caused by gunshot wounds. Spinal cord injuries are frequently brought on by knife wounds as well.
Sports and recreational injuries. sports that involve impact, like diving in shallow water.
- Spinal cord injuries can also be brought on by conditions like cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and spinal cord inflammation.
Risk Factors
Although a spinal cord injury is typically caused by an accident and can happen to anyone, there are some things that can put you at a higher risk of suffering one, such as:
– Being a man. Men are more frequently affected than women by spinal cord injuries. In actuality, only 20% of traumatic spinal cord injuries in the US occur to females.
- Having an age range of 16 to 30. In people in this age range, spinal cord injuries account for more than half of all cases.
- Reaching the age of 65. At age 65, the rate of spinal cord injuries increases again. Most injuries in older adults are due to falls.
Use of alcohol. About 25% of traumatic spinal cord injuries involve alcohol use.
- Acting in a risky manner. Spinal cord injuries can result from participating in sports or diving into too shallow of water without wearing the appropriate safety equipment or taking the necessary precautions. For those under 65, automobile accidents are the main cause of spinal cord injuries.
- Having specific illnesses. If you have a condition like osteoporosis or another condition that affects your bones or joints, such as a relatively minor injury can result in a spinal cord injury.
Disease Diagnostics:
Spinal cord injuries can be diagnosed using a variety of methods, including:
- X-rays. X-rays can show degenerative changes in the spine, tumours, fractures, and issues with the vertebral column.
– a CT scan. An enhanced image of anomalies visible on an X-ray can be obtained using a CT scan. Computers are used in this scan to create a number of cross-sectional images that can identify bone, disc, and other issues.
- MRI. A powerful magnetic field and radio waves are used in MRI to create computer-generated images. This examination of the spinal cord is beneficial for locating herniated discs, blood clots, and other masses that could compress the spinal cord.
Your doctor will perform a more thorough neurological exam a few days after the accident to assess the severity of your injury. By this time, some swelling may have lessened. Your physical stamina as well as your capacity for feeling pinprick and light touch sensations will be tested.
Disease Treatment Using Stem Cell therapy:
There is a lot of potential for spinal cord injury tem cell therapy. Stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury has undergone extensive research in both human and animal models. In order to treat the spinal cord, it emphasises the replacement of lost or damaged cells as well as the encouragement of axonal growth and remyelination. The cells move to the injury site and start the healing process. In order to prevent neuronal deterioration and promote angiogenesis, they release trophic factors. Additionally, these elements awaken dormant cells and draw them to the injured area.
Experimental stem cell therapies for spinal cord injuries have shown to form functional neuronal networks that support functional recovery. Additionally, they cause the breakdown of inhibitory scars within the spinal cord, modulate the immune response following a spinal cord injury, remove cell debris, and safeguard neurons.
Treatment for spinal cord injuries within six months of the injury reduces the likelihood of inflammation. In order to form new synapses and promote axonal sprouting, which aids in the growth and development of newer neurons, stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury facilitates neuroprotection and neuroregeneration. In some situations, we use stem cell therapy to treat spinal cord injuries in order to enhance angiogenesis and neuroprotection, which promote the growth of the existing tissues.
Country wise cost comparison for Stem Cell therapy for Spinal Cord Injuries:
Country | Cost |
India | $5580 |
Treatment and Cost
Total Days
In Country
- 6 Day in Hospital
- 2 No. Travelers
- 6 Days Outside Hospital
Treatment cost starts from