Book a package for Peripheral Angiography in Iran | HCH
Peripheral Angiography, Iran

Peripheral Angiography, Iran

Peripheral Angiography


  • Our Price USD 1777

  • Hospital Price USD 1871

  • You Save : USD 94

Booking Amount: USD 178. Pay Remaining 90% at the hospital.

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Additional Credit

Among the important extras we offer as part of the Additional Credit are the following:

  • Site Tourism For The Patient & Attendant
  • Airport Pick & Drop Service
  • Ambulance service at airport
  • Priority appointments with The Doctor
  • Cancel Easily Anytime with Full Refund
  • Room Upgradation
  • Free Online Doctor Consultation Valued at USD 20
  • Free hotel Stay for 5 to 7 days Accordingly
  • Welcome Kit at Arrival
  • Interpreter
  • Medical Visa Assistance

  • Doctor consultation charges
  • Lab tests and diagnostic charges
  • Room charges inside hospital during the procedure
  • Surgeon Fee
  • Cost of implant
  • Nursing charges
  • Hospital surgery suite charges
  • Anesthesia charges
  • Routine medicines and routine consumables (bandages, dressings etc.)
  • Food and Beverages inside hospital stay for patient and one attendant.

  • Extra Radiology Investigations
  • Healthcare Professionals Charges of other consultations.
  • Other Requested Services such as Laundry etc.
  • Additional Pharmaceutical Products and Medicines After Discharge from Hospital.
  • Management of Conditions Unrelated to Procedures or Pre-Existing.
  • The cost of any additional implants will be in addition to the package cost.

Procedure Description:

Peripheral Angiography

A peripheral angiography, also known as a peripheral angiogram, is a minimally invasive imaging procedure used to detect abnormal blood flow and constricted arteries. The test provides you and your healthcare physician with critical information to help reduce your chance of having a heart attack, stroke, or another major health event in the future.

Disease Overview:

Carotid artery stenosis:

A narrowing of the major arteries on each side of the neck is known as carotid artery stenosis. Blood flows through these arteries to the head, face, and brain. This constriction is frequently caused by plaque buildup in the arteries, a disease known as atherosclerosis.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Numbness or weakness in the face or limbs that occurs suddenly, usually on only one side of the body.
  • Sudden difficulty speaking and comprehending.
  • Sudden vision loss in one or both eyes.
  • Dizziness or a lack of balance that occurs suddenly.
  • There is no recognised cause for a sudden, severe headache.

Disease Causes:

Atherosclerosis, or plaque buildup on the interior of the arteries, is the most common cause of narrowing. Stenosis might progress to total blockage of the artery over time. Age, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and an inactive lifestyle are all risk factors for carotid artery stenosis.


To establish the existence, location, and degree of stenosis, your doctor may employ carotid ultrasonography, CT angiography (CTA), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), or cerebral angiography. Angioplasty and vascular stenting, as well as surgery in extreme situations, may be used to enhance or restore blood flow.


The most frequent therapy for severe carotid artery disease is carotid endarterectomy. The surgeon accesses the damaged carotid artery and removes the plaques after creating an incision around the front of your neck. Stitches or a graft are used to mend the artery.

Information related to Treatment

Package Details

Days in Hospital
1 Days

Days in Hotel *
7 Days

Room Type

* Including Complimentary Hotel Stay for 1 nights for 2 (Patient and 1 Companion)

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