Book a package for Pilonidal Sinus Treatment in Iran | HCH
Pilonidal Sinus Treatment, Iran

Pilonidal Sinus Treatment, Iran

Pilonidal Sinus Treatment


  • Our Price USD 1202

  • Hospital Price USD 1265

  • You Save : USD 63

Booking Amount: USD 120. Pay Remaining 90% at the hospital.

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Additional Credit

Among the important extras we offer as part of the Additional Credit are the following:

  • Site Tourism For The Patient & Attendant
  • Airport Pick & Drop Service
  • Ambulance service at airport
  • Priority appointments with The Doctor
  • Cancel Easily Anytime with Full Refund
  • Room Upgradation
  • Free Online Doctor Consultation Valued at USD 20
  • Free hotel Stay for 5 to 7 days Accordingly
  • Welcome Kit at Arrival
  • Interpreter
  • Medical Visa Assistance

  • Doctor consultation charges
  • Lab tests and diagnostic charges
  • Room charges inside hospital during the procedure
  • Surgeon Fee
  • Cost of implant
  • Nursing charges
  • Hospital surgery suite charges
  • Anesthesia charges
  • Routine medicines and routine consumables (bandages, dressings etc.)
  • Food and Beverages inside hospital stay for patient and one attendant.

  • Extra Radiology Investigations
  • Healthcare Professionals Charges of other consultations.
  • Other Requested Services such as Laundry etc.
  • Additional Pharmaceutical Products and Medicines After Discharge from Hospital.
  • Management of Conditions Unrelated to Procedures or Pre-Existing.
  • The cost of any additional implants will be in addition to the package cost.

Pilonidal Sinus Treatment:

When a pilonidal cyst becomes infected, it develops into an abscess that drains pus into the sinus. Pain, a foul odour, and drainage are all symptoms of an abscess. This is not a life-threatening situation. However, because it is an infection, it can grow and cause discomfort.

Incision and drainage are the two main methods used to treat pilonidal cysts. A doctor will create an incision and drain the cyst during this surgery. Cyst removal by surgery. A doctor will remove the whole cyst as well as the surrounding tissues during this operation, which is also known as a cystectomy.

When compared to other anorectal operations, pilonidal sinus surgery is usually painless. There may be some discomfort. Local remedies, in addition to pain medication, might be beneficial. They aren't necessary for healing and may be turned off if you don't believe they are.

Disease Overview:

Pilonidal Sinus

The pilonidal sinus (PNS) is a tiny skin opening or tube. It may get clogged with fluid or pus, forming a cyst or abscess. The cleft at the top of the buttocks is where it happens. Hair, filth, and debris are common in pilonidal cysts. It can cause excruciating pain and is frequently infected. It may leak pus and blood and have a horrible odour if it becomes infected.

PNS is a disorder that primarily affects men but is also prevalent among young people. It's also more frequent among persons who spend a lot of time sitting, such as cab drivers.

Disease Signs and Symptoms:

Other than a little, dimple-like depression on the surface of your skin, you may not have any obvious symptoms at first. However, if the depression becomes infected, it will swiftly turn into a cyst or an abscess (a closed sac filled with fluid) (a swollen and inflamed tissue where pus collects).

The following are symptoms of an infection:

When sitting or standing, the cyst swelled and became reddish. hair projecting from the lesion production of more than one sinus tract, or holes in the skin painful skin surrounding the region pus or blood leaking from the abscess, creating a foul odour hair protruding from the lesion formation of more than one sinus tract, or holes in the skin

A low-grade fever is also possible, although it is considerably less common.

Disease Causes:

Although the actual aetiology of this ailment is unknown, it is thought to be a mix of altering hormones (since it happens after puberty), hair growth, and friction from clothing or lengthy periods of sitting.

Sitting and other activities that produce friction can cause the hair developing in the region to burrow back beneath the skin. The body recognises this hair as alien and responds with an immunological reaction similar to how it would react to a splinter. The cyst that grows around your hair is the result of this immunological reaction. Multiple sinuses that join under the skin can occur in certain people.

Disease Diagnosis:

Your healthcare professional will begin by doing a thorough physical examination on you. During the exam, they'll look for evidence of a pilonidal cyst in the crease of your buttocks. A pilonidal cyst should be apparent to the naked eye if you have one. Your doctor may see what appears to be a pimple or an oozing cyst.

Disease treatment 

Your doctor is likely to give a broad-spectrum antibiotic if your illness is discovered early on, you're not in significant pain, and there's no indication of inflammation. A broad-spectrum antibiotic is one that may be used to treat a variety of microorganisms. It's vital to understand that this won't repair your sinuses, but it will provide respite from the pain and infection. Your doctor will advise that you undergo a follow-up checkup, shave or remove hair from the affected area on a regular basis, and pay special attention to hygiene.


An abscess, or an accumulation of pus inside the sinus, is treated with this treatment. Your doctor will provide a local anaesthetic prior to the surgery. The abscess will next be opened using a knife.Hair, blood, and pus from inside the abscess will be removed.

Your doctor will apply sterile dressing to the wound and enable it to heal from the inside out. The wound normally heals in four weeks, and many people don't need any more care.

Injection of phenol

Your doctor will initially provide a local anaesthetic before proceeding with the procedure. They will next inject phenol, an antibacterial chemical component, into the cyst. It's possible that this method will have to be done multiple times. The lesion will eventually harden and shut as a result of this therapy.


A surgical surgery will be recommended if you have a reoccurring PNS or more than one sinus tract.

A local anaesthetic will be used first. The surgeon will next open the lesions and remove any pus or debris. The surgeon will sew the wounds closed after this operation is complete. Your doctor will show you how to change the bandages after surgery and will advise you to shave the area to prevent hair from growing into the wound.

Information related to Treatment

Package Details

Days in Hospital
1 Days

Days in Hotel *
5 Days

Room Type

* Including Complimentary Hotel Stay for 1 nights for 2 (Patient and 1 Companion)

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