Laser Cordectomy
PSRI Hospital, Delhi, India
Our Price USD 3027
Hospital Price USD 3186
You Save : USD 159
Booking Amount: USD 303. Pay Remaining 90% at the hospital.
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What is Included?
- Doctor consultation charges
- Lab tests and diagnostic charges
- Room charges inside hospital during the procedure
- Surgeon Fee
- Cost of implant
- Nursing charges
- Hospital surgery suite charges
- Anesthesia charges
- Routine medicines and routine consumables (bandages, dressings etc.)
- Food and Beverages inside hospital stay for patient and one attendant.
What is not Included?
- Extra Radiology Investigations
- Healthcare Professionals Charges of other consultations.
- Other Requested Services such as Laundry etc.
- Additional Pharmaceutical Products and Medicines After Discharge from Hospital.
- Management of Conditions Unrelated to Procedures or Pre-Existing.
- The cost of any additional implants will be in addition to the package cost.
Package Description
Laser Cordectomy:
The Kashima surgery, also known as endoscopic laser cordectomy, is an endoscopic laser surgical treatment used to alleviate breathing difficulties caused by bilateral abductor vocal fold paralysis.
If you have laryngeal cancer, a cordectomy is a surgical treatment that removes part or all of your voice cords. This malignancy affects the larynx, or voice box, which is responsible for breathing, speaking, and swallowing. Above your trachea is your voice box (windpipe).
The patient will be unable to generate most vocal sounds following a complete cordectomy, in which all of the vocal cords are removed.
Disease Overview:
Bilateral abductor vocal fold paralysis
Bilateral abductor vocal folds paralysis is an uncommon condition that includes disphonia, disphagia, and food and saliva aspiration into the lungs. The origin of vocal fold paralysis has traditionally been classified as traumatic, idiopathic, or tumoral.
When the nerve impulses to your voice box (larynx) are interrupted, vocal cord paralysis ensues. The muscles of the voice cords become paralysed as a result of this.
The capacity to talk and even breathe can be compromised by vocal cord paralysis. That's because your vocal cords, also known as vocal folds, are responsible for more than simply sound production. They also protect your airway by preventing food, drink, and even saliva from passing into your windpipe (trachea) and choking you.
Nerve injury from surgery, viral infections, and some malignancies are all possible causes. Surgery and, in certain cases, voice treatment are used to treat vocal cord paralysis.
Disease Signs and Symptoms:
The vocal cords are two flexible bands of muscle tissue located at the windpipe's entrance (trachea). The bands come together and vibrate to generate sound as you talk. The vocal chords are relaxed in an open position the remainder of the time, allowing you to breathe.
Only one vocal cord is affected in most cases of vocal cord paralysis. It's an uncommon but dangerous disorder when both of your voice chords are paralysed. This can result in voice issues as well as substantial breathing and swallowing difficulties.
The following are some of the signs and symptoms of vocal cord paralysis:
- The voice has a breathy tone to it.
- Hoarseness.
- Breathing that is loud.
- Vocal pitch is lost.
- While swallowing food, drink, or saliva, you may choke or cough.
- The necessity of often taking deep breaths when speaking.
- Inability to talk in a loud manner.
- You've lost control of your gag reflex.
- Coughing is ineffective.
- Frequently cleaning one's throat
Disease Causes:
The nerve impulses to your voice box (larynx) are interrupted in vocal cord paralysis, resulting in muscular paralysis. The reason of vocal cord paralysis is frequently unknown to doctors. The following are some of the known causes:
- During surgery, the vocal chord was injured. The nerves that serve your voice box might be damaged during surgery on or near your neck or upper chest. Thyroid and parathyroid gland procedures, as well as esophageal, neck, and chest surgeries, all provide a risk of harm.
- Injury to the neck or chest. The nerves that serve your vocal cords, as well as the voice box itself, might be injured by trauma to your neck or chest.
- Stroke. A stroke disrupts blood flow in the brain, potentially causing damage to the region of the brain that transmits information to the voice box
- Tumors. Tumors, both malignant and non-cancerous, can form in or around the muscles, cartilage, or nerves that govern your voice box's function, causing vocal cord paralysis.
- Infections. Infections including Lyme disease, Epstein-Barr virus, and herpes can cause inflammation and damage to the laryngeal nerves.
- Disorders of the nervous system Vocal cord paralysis can occur if you have certain neurological diseases, such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease.
Risk Factors
The following factors may increase your chances of having vocal cord paralysis:
- Having surgery on the throat or chest. Vocal cord nerve injury is more likely in those who need surgery on their thyroid, throat, or upper chest.
- The vocal cord nerves can be damaged by breathing tubes used in surgery or to assist you breathe if you're suffering major respiratory problems.
- Being afflicted with a neurological disorder. Vocal cord weakness or paralysis is more common in people with specific neurological diseases, such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis.
Disease Diagnosis:
Your doctor will inquire about your symptoms and lifestyle, as well as listen to your voice and inquire about the length of time you've had vocal issues. The following tests might be used to further analyse your vocal problems:
Laryngoscopy. A mirror, a small, flexible tube (known as a laryngoscope or endoscope), or both will be used by your doctor to examine your voice chords.
A test called videostrobolaryngoscopy may be performed using a specific scope with a small camera at its tip or a bigger camera linked to the scope's viewing piece.These high-magnification endoscopes allow your doctor to examine your voice cords directly or on a video display to evaluate their movement and location, as well as if one or both vocal cords are affected.
Electromyography of the larynx. The electric currents in your voice box muscles are measured in this test. Small needles are inserted into your vocal cord muscles via the skin of your neck by your doctor to get these measures.This test doesn't normally provide your doctor information that might influence the course of your therapy, but it can tell your doctor how well you'll heal. When done between six weeks and six months after your symptoms begin, this test is most beneficial for predicting how you'll heal.
Scans and blood tests You may need additional testing to determine the source of the paralysis because a number of disorders can cause a nerve to be harmed. Blood tests, X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans are some of the tests that may be performed.
Disease Treatment:
Treatment for vocal cord paralysis is determined on the origin, degree of symptoms, and time since symptoms began. Voice therapy, bulk injections, surgery, or a combination of therapies may be used to address the condition.
In certain cases, you may be able to recover without surgery. As a result, your doctor may decide to postpone definitive surgery for at least a year after your vocal cord paralysis began.
Within the first three months of voice loss, however, surgical therapy with bulk injections containing collagen-like compounds is common.
While you wait for surgery, your doctor may recommend voice therapy to protect you from overusing your voice while the nerves recover.
Therapy with the voice
Exercises or other activities to strengthen your vocal cords, enhance breath control during speech, avoid aberrant tension in other muscles around the paralysed vocal cord or cords, and protect your airway during swallowing are all part of voice therapy sessions. If your vocal chords are paralysed at a spot that doesn't require extra bulk or repositioning, voice therapy may be the only treatment you need.
If your vocal cord paralysis symptoms do not improve on their own, surgical therapies to enhance your ability to talk and swallow may be recommended.
Surgical options include the following:
Bulk Injection: The vocal cord muscle will most likely become thin and weak as a result of nerve paralysis. A specialist who specialises in laryngological diseases (laryngologist) may inject body fat, collagen, or another authorised filler substance into a paralysed vocal chord to enhance bulk. When you talk, swallow, or cough, this extra bulk moves the paralysed vocal cord closer to the centre of your voice box, allowing the opposite working and moving vocal chord to make closer contact with it.
Implants for structural support. This treatment, also known as thyroplasty, medialization laryngoplasty, or laryngeal framework surgery, uses a laryngeal implant to realign the voice cord instead of a bulk injection. People who have this procedure may need a second operation to relocate the implant in rare cases.
Repositioning of the vocal cords. In this surgery, a surgeon inserts a window of your own tissue from the outside of your voice box into the centre of your voice box, moving the paralysed vocal cord into the centre. This permits your unaffected vocal chord to vibrate more freely against its paralysed counterpart.
Replacing the nerve that has been injured (reinnervation). A healthy nerve is relocated from another part of the neck to replace the injured vocal chord in this procedure.
It might take anywhere from six to nine months for your voice to improve. This operation is sometimes combined with a bulk injection by some surgeons.
Tracheotomy. Your airflow will be reduced if both of your voice chords are paralysed and positioned near together. You'll have a lot of problems breathing in this condition, and you'll need a tracheotomy surgery. A tracheotomy is a procedure that involves making an incision in the front of your neck and creating a direct entrance into your windpipe (trachea). A breathing tube is implanted to allow air to bypass the vocal chords, which are paralysed.
Information related to Treatment
Package Details
Days in Hospital
2 Days
Days in Hotel
7 Days
Room Type