Book a package for Endometriosis Treatment in Turkey | HCH
Endometriosis Treatment, Turkey

Endometriosis Treatment, Turkey

Endometriosis Treatment


  • Our Price USD 6314

  • Hospital Price USD 6646

  • You Save : USD 332

Booking Amount: USD 631. Pay Remaining 90% at the hospital.

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Additional Credit

Among the important extras we offer as part of the Additional Credit are the following:

  • Site Tourism For The Patient & Attendant
  • Airport Pick & Drop Service
  • Ambulance service at airport
  • Priority appointments with The Doctor
  • Cancel Easily Anytime with Full Refund
  • Room Upgradation
  • Free Online Doctor Consultation Valued at USD 20
  • Free hotel Stay for 5 to 7 days Accordingly
  • Welcome Kit at Arrival
  • Interpreter
  • Medical Visa Assistance

  • Doctor consultation charges
  • Lab tests and diagnostic charges
  • Room charges inside hospital during the procedure
  • Surgeon Fee
  • Cost of implant
  • Nursing charges
  • Hospital surgery suite charges
  • Anesthesia charges
  • Routine medicines and routine consumables (bandages, dressings etc.)
  • Food and Beverages inside hospital stay for patient and one attendant.

  • Extra Radiology Investigations
  • Healthcare Professionals Charges of other consultations.
  • Other Requested Services such as Laundry etc.
  • Additional Pharmaceutical Products and Medicines After Discharge from Hospital.
  • Management of Conditions Unrelated to Procedures or Pre-Existing.
  • The cost of any additional implants will be in addition to the package cost.

Procedure Description:

Endometriosis Treatment:

Endometriosis is typically treated with medication or surgery. The severity of your symptoms and whether you intend to become pregnant will determine the course of treatment that you and your medical team decide on.

1. Hormone treatment: Hormone medications can occasionally reduce or eliminate endometriosis pain. During the menstrual cycle, endometriosis tissue thickens, degrades, and bleeds due to hormonal fluctuations. Hormones produced in laboratories might inhibit the formation of new tissue and decrease the expansion of this tissue.

Treatments for endometriosis consist of:

1.1: Hormone-based birth control. The hormones that cause endometriosis can be controlled with the use of birth control pills, injections, patches, and vaginal rings.

1.2- Antagonists and antagonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH). These drugs decrease estrogen levels and interfere with the menstrual cycle. Endometriosis tissue shrinks as a result of this. 

1.3- Progestin medication: A hormone involved in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy that is produced in laboratories is called progestin. Many progestin therapies can halt the growth of endometriosis tissue and menstrual cycles, which may alleviate symptoms.

1.4- Inhibitors of aromatase: These are a group of medications that reduce the body's oestrogen levels. To treat endometriosis, your healthcare provider might suggest an aromatase inhibitor in addition to a progestin or combination birth control tablets.

2. Conservative surgery: Endometriosis tissue is removed during conservative surgery. Its goal is to protect the ovaries and uterus. If you are attempting to conceive and have endometriosis, this kind of surgery could increase your chances of success. It might also be helpful if the illness is causing you excruciating discomfort; nevertheless, endometriosis and pain might return gradually following surgery.

3. Fertility treatment: Having endometriosis might make it difficult to conceive. Your healthcare team might suggest fertility treatment if you're having trouble getting pregnant. A reproductive endocrinologist, who treats infertility, may be recommended to you.

4. Hysterectomy with ovarian excision: This procedure involves excising the uterus. It was formerly believed that the best course of therapy for endometriosis involved removing the uterus and ovaries. These days, some professionals view it as a last choice for pain relief after all other options have been exhausted. Alternatively, other specialists suggest a surgical approach that centers on the meticulous and complete excision of all endometriosis tissue.

Disease Overview:


A disease known as endometriosis occurs when tissue that resembles the lining of the uterus grows outside of it. It can make getting pregnant more difficult and result in excruciating pelvic pain. From the time of a person's first menstrual cycle until menopause, endometriosis may develop.

Disease Sign and Symptoms:

Pelvic pain is the primary symptom of endometriosis. It's frequently connected to the menstrual cycle. While many people have cramps throughout their periods, endometriosis patients frequently report experiencing much more menstrual pain than usual. Additionally, the pain could get worse with time.

Typical endometriosis symptoms include:

1- Painful periods: Cramps and pelvic pain can occur days before or after the menstrual cycle. You can also experience stomach and lower back ache. Dysmenorrhea is another term for unpleasant periods.

2. Sex-related pain: Endometriosis patients often experience pain during or after sex.

3. Pain during urine or bowel movements: These symptoms are more likely to occur either before or during your menstrual cycle.

4. Prolonged bleeding: You might occasionally experience strong menstrual flow or intermenstrual bleeding.

Fertility problems. In certain cases, endometriosis is initially discovered during examinations related to infertility therapy.

5. Additional signs and symptoms: You can have nausea, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or exhaustion. It is more likely for these symptoms to occur before or during menstruation.

Disease Causes:

It's unclear what causes endometriosis specifically. However, a few potential reasons are as follows:

1. Menstruation in reverse. Menstrual blood flows back into the pelvic cavity through the fallopian tubes at this point rather than leaving the body. Endometrial cells from the uterus' inner lining are present in the blood. These cells have the potential to adhere to the surfaces of the pelvic organs and walls. Over the length of each menstrual cycle, they can develop there and keep getting thicker and bleeding.

2. Peritoneal cells that were altered. Experts speculate that immunological factors or hormones may contribute to the transformation of peritoneal cells—the cells lining the inside of the abdomen—into cells like those lining the uterus.

3. Cells in embryos alter. During puberty, hormones like estrogen have the ability to change embryonic cells, which are still in the early stages of development, into growths that resemble endometrial tissue.

4. Surgical scar aftereffects. When an incision is created in the stomach region during surgery, like a C-section, endometrial cells may adhere to the scar tissue.

5. Transport of endometrial cells. Endometrial cells may be transported via the blood vessels or tissue fluid system to different areas of the body.

6- Immune system condition. An immune system malfunction could prevent the body from identifying and eliminating endometrial tissue.

Disease Diagnosis:

During a physical examination, your doctor will probably determine whether or not you have endometriosis. We'll want you to list your symptoms, including the locations and times of your pain.

Tests to look for endometriosis hints include:

1. Examining the Pelvic region. Using one or two gloved fingers, your healthcare provider will feel various places in your pelvis to look for any unexpected changes. Scars behind the uterus, painful places, uneven growths termed nodules, and cysts on the reproductive organs are a few examples of these modifications. Small endometriosis lesions frequently go undetected until a cyst develops.

2. Ultrasound: To obtain the finest image of the reproductive organs, it may be inserted into the vagina during a procedure known as transvaginal ultrasound. You cannot determine whether you have endometriosis with a routine ultrasound. However, it is capable of detecting cysts associated with endometriomas.

3. MRIs, or magnetic resonance imaging. Radio waves and a magnetic field are used in this examination to create images of the body's organs and tissues. An MRI aids in surgery planning for certain people.

4. The laparoscopy. You might be sent to a surgeon in certain circumstances for this operation. During a laparoscopy, the surgeon might look inside your abdomen for tissue indicative of endometriosis.

Disease Treatment:

Endometriosis is typically treated with medication or surgery. The severity of your symptoms and whether you intend to become pregnant will determine the course of treatment that you and your medical team decide on.

1. Hormone treatment: Hormone medications can occasionally reduce or eliminate endometriosis pain. During the menstrual cycle, endometriosis tissue thickens, degrades, and bleeds due to hormonal fluctuations. Hormones produced in laboratories might inhibit the formation of new tissue and decrease the expansion of this tissue.

Treatments for endometriosis consist of:

1.1: Hormone-based birth control. The hormones that cause endometriosis can be controlled with the use of birth control pills, injections, patches, and vaginal rings.

1.2- Antagonists and antagonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH). These drugs decrease estrogen levels and interfere with the menstrual cycle. Endometriosis tissue shrinks as a result of this. 

1.3- Progestin medication: A hormone involved in the menstrual cycle and pregnancy that is produced in laboratories is called progestin. Many progestin therapies can halt the growth of endometriosis tissue and menstrual cycles, which may alleviate symptoms.

1.4- Inhibitors of aromatase: These are a group of medications that reduce the body's oestrogen levels. To treat endometriosis, your healthcare provider might suggest an aromatase inhibitor in addition to a progestin or combination birth control tablets.

2. Conservative surgery: Endometriosis tissue is removed during conservative surgery. Its goal is to protect the ovaries and uterus. If you are attempting to conceive and have endometriosis, this kind of surgery could increase your chances of success. It might also be helpful if the illness is causing you excruciating discomfort; nevertheless, endometriosis and pain might return gradually following surgery.

3. Fertility treatment: Having endometriosis might make it difficult to conceive. Your healthcare team might suggest fertility treatment if you're having trouble getting pregnant. A reproductive endocrinologist, who treats infertility, may be recommended to you.

4. Hysterectomy with ovarian excision: This procedure involves excising the uterus. It was formerly believed that the best course of therapy for endometriosis involved removing the uterus and ovaries. These days, some professionals view it as a last choice for pain relief after all other options have been exhausted. Alternatively, other specialists suggest a surgical approach that centers on the meticulous and complete excision of all endometriosis tissue.

Information related to Treatment

Package Details

Days in Hospital
3 Days

Days in Hotel *
6 Days

Room Type

* Including Complimentary Hotel Stay for 1 nights for 2 (Patient and 1 Companion)

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