Dr. Anil Arora
Orthopaedic Surgeon
MAX Super Speciality hospital, Patpadganj Delhi , Delhi, India33 Years of experience
Speaks: English, Hindi
USD 70 USD 50 for video consultation
Consultations Completed
Recent Consultations
- DNB- Orthopaedics
- MS- Orthopaedics
- Indian Orthopaedic Association
- Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association
- (IGOF) Indo German Orthopedic Foundation
- World Orthopedic Concern
- Knee Section – Asia Pacific Orthopedic Association
- Hip Section – Asia Pacific Orthopedic Association
- North Zone Orthopedic Association
- Delhi Orthopedic Association
- Indian Orthopaedic Association
- Asia Pacific Orthopedic Association
- (IGOF) Indo German Orthopaedic Foundation
- World Orthopaedic Concern
- Knee Section - APOA
- Hip Section - APOA
- North Zone Orthopedic Association
- Delhi Orthopedic Association
- International Bone and Joint Tuberculosis Club
- Association of Hand and Micro surgeons of India
- Trauma Society of India
- Research paper on “Total Hip Arthroplasty in different types of advanced Tubercular Hip Arthritis: is it justified”, on 28th June 2023 in International Orthopedics.
- 1 Level Cervical Spine Decompression N Fusion ACDF
- 2 Level TLIF Spine Surgery
- ACL (BPTB) and Meniscectomy
- ACL or PCL Avulsion Fixation Arthroscopic Open Surgery
- ACL Surgery
- ACL Reconstruction Hamstring
- Ankle Arthroscopy
- Arthroscopic Bankart Repair
- Arthroscopic Meniscal Repair
- Arthroscopic Meniscectomy Partial or Subtotal Arthro
- Arthroscopic Meniscectomy
- Arthroscopy
- Arthroscopy Hip Joint
- Bilateral Knee Replacement Robotic
- Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty
- Carpal Tunnel Release
- Closed Reduction Dislocation Major Surgery
- Closed Reduction Dislocation Minor Surgery
- Decompression Spine Anterior Approach Cervical
- Decompression Spine Anterior Approach Cervical and Arthrodesis 1 Level Anterior Spine
- Decompression Spine Anterior Approach Dorsal
- Elbow Reconstruction Simple
- Elbow Replacement
- Implant Removal Major
- Implant Removal Minor Except K-Wire
- Knee Meniscectomy
- Kyphoplasty Balloon-Spine
- Menisectomy
- Open Reduction Dislocation Major
- Open Reduction Dislocation Minor
- Scoliosis Correction Complex
- Scoliosis Hemiepiphysiodesis Spine
- Shoulder Replacement
- Tlif 1 Level With Decompression and Tlif II Level With Decompression
- Tlif ii Level With Decompression
- Total Cervical Disc Replacement-Spine
- Total Hip Replacement BL
- Total Hip Replacement UL
- Total Knee Replacement BL
- Total Knee Replacement UL
- Unilateral Knee Replacement Robotic
- Valgus Osteotomy And fixation
Dr. Anil Arora is a renowned orthopedic surgeon in India.
Dr. Anil Arora is a renowned orthopedic surgeon and he possesses Following are area of expertise: Computer Assisted Knee Replacement Pinless Navigated Knee Replacement Primary Knee Replacement Revision Knee Replacement Arthroscopic knee surgery ACL Reconstruction Hip Replacement Knee Replacement Joint Replacement Surgery Shoulder Replacement Computer Assisted Hip Replacement Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement
The following are a few of the main surgical procedures that Dr. Anil Arora performs: Computer Assisted Knee Replacement. Pinless Navigated Knee Replacement. Primary Knee Replacement. Revision Knee Replacement. Arthroscopic knee surgery.
As the Head of Orthopedics at Max Super Speciality Hospital in Patparganj, New Delhi, Dr. (Prof.) Anil Arora is now employed there.