Ayurveda Treatment for Cerebral Palsy CP in India | Book Package at HCH

Ayurveda Treatment for Cerebral Palsy CP cost in India

The Cost of Ayurveda Treatment for Cerebral Palsy CP in India ranges between USD 3900 - USD 6700

A brain injury that is acquired from birth, cerebral palsy (CP) is one of the main causes of impairment in children. It is a non-progressive neuromotor disease involving the musculoskeletal system in addition to the nervous system. Inaction on the part of CP patients could result in permanent impairments.

Ayurveda Treatment for Cerebral Palsy CP


Even Despite not being progressive, cerebral palsy lacks a permanent cure; nonetheless, many people can enhance their quality of life with supportive therapies, medicine, and surgery. Treatments for symptoms are administered in accordance with the clinical presentation. Children who have cerebral palsy may experience difficulties with their balance, eye contact, swallowing, and movement. Due to muscle stiffness, children may also have a decreased range of motion, and some may even drool. Children with cerebral palsy present with a variety of symptoms, and each case is treated conservatively. While some affected youngsters require assistance, others are able to walk. While some kids have normal or very average intelligence, others may have intellectual problems. Cerebral palsy treatments with Ayurveda include:

Udvartana: Drying therapy helps with pain relief, bringing the body lighter, enhancing touch perception, and decreasing stiffness.
Shastika shali pinda sweda: promotes and nourishes the end points of nerves.
Nasya: Purify your sinuses.
Sarvanga Abhyanga: this technique enhances circulation and directs dispersed doshas to the koshta.
Bashpa and Nadi sweda: Waste metabolites are excreted as a result of it.
Anuvasana vasthi and Asthapana vasthi: by removing doshas, they remove avarana (block) and srodhorodha (obstruction to channels).


Ayurveda Medicine for Cerebral Palsy

Internal medications that enhance brain activity are administered to lessen drooling and facilitate better swallowing. To have a combined effect, it is also taken with medications such as vatahara, sanjastapana, and vaya sthapana. Among the frequently utilized medications are

  • Brahmi
  • Amalaki
  • Mandookaparni
  • Ashwagandha
  • Hareetaki


Physiotherapy for Cerebral Palsy

The objective of task-oriented therapy for children with cerebral palsy (CP) is to enable the child to engage in activities of daily living, including dressing and undressing, eating, playing, and traveling from one place to another. This is similar to the majority of children with developmental disabilities.Therefore, the focus of our treatment is on
• The stronger or non-impaired upper limb is immobilized for a varied period of time in order to gradually force utilize the handicapped upper limb.
• Manual stretching can increase range of motion, reduce stiffness, or improve walking ability in kids with spasticity.
In neurological rehabilitation, stretches can be applied in a variety of ways to achieve various outcomes.

• Using tilt tables and standing frames when stretching for lengthy periods of time can help prevent lower limb contracture. • Ankles are crucial to maintaining the extended stretch because the force applied to the knee can be fairly considerable.
• Children with cerebral palsy can benefit from muscle strengthening exercises by strengthening their weak antagonist muscles and the corresponding spastic agonists. • Static weight-bearing exercises, such as the tilt-table and the standing frame, have been shown to stimulate antigravity muscle strength, prevent hip dislocation, reduce spasticity, and improve bone mineral density, self-confidence, and motor function.
• Electrical stimulation to enhance motor function and muscular strength.


Therapeutic Yoga For Cerebral Palsy

It has been demonstrated that yoga practice and the related relaxation helps those with cerebral palsy. By maintaining an asana (a yoga stance), one can help the body's tendons and muscles to gradually lengthen and relax, which relieves the body's overall stress and stiffness in the muscles.Deeper, more rhythmic breathing is made possible by opening the diaphragm and the front of the body through certain breathing techniques and physical poses.

It also helps with thinking and focus since these activities require the left and right hemispheres of the brain to communicate, which has an effect on writing, reading, and attention span. It is possible to target particular poses to strengthen the body parts with low muscle tone. Yoga provides a soothing experience for the youngster as well as any caregiver or support person who is involved with the child. In addition to fostering a strong and compassionate bond between the adult and the kid, breathing and stretching exercises with the child also serve to generate a loving and calm energy within the adult.

Country wise cost comparison for Ayurveda Treatment for Cerebral Palsy CP:

Country Cost
India $3825

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 30 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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Frequently Asked Questions

The therapy plan lasts for 30 to 45 days at first. Following the course of therapy, the doctor will recommend any necessary dietary adjustments and specialized at-home workouts. We recommend a one-year follow-up to discuss any need for additional treatments.

As soon as the parent becomes aware, they can schedule a brief consultation with our staff online or in person. The youngster will benefit from early therapies since they have a better chance of making progress.

Indeed. We offer both high-end and low-cost accommodations to accommodate your stay while undergoing treatment.

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