Ayurveda Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis in India | Book package at HCH

Ayurveda Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis cost in India

The Cost of Ayurveda Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis in India ranges between USD 3860 - USD 6880

The common name for age-related wear and tear of the spine is spondylosis. Your cervical discs are degenerating, which is known as cervical spondylosis. As osteoarthritis progresses, the discs in the spine become dehydrated and shrink, and bony protrusions known as bone spurs appear along the margins of the bones. Thus, generally speaking, it is spine degenerative arthritis. It is a disorder that steadily worsens and is extremely frequent.

Ayurveda Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis

In Ayurveda, cervical spondylosis is associated with Greeva stambh, which falls under Vata vyadhi and may be caused by Dhatu Kshaya. Physiotherapy, panchakarma treatments, and internal medication are available for its treatment.

Internal Medications Include:

  • Dashamoola 
  • Guduchi
  • Eranda
  • Ashwagandha 

Panchakarma Treatments Include:

  • Abhyanga
  • Svedana
  • Greeva vasti
  • Mridu virechana
  • Shashtika shali pinda sweda

Physiotherapy for Cervical Spondylosis


For the purpose of reducing spondylosis symptoms and pain, physical treatment is crucial. The thoracic spine can benefit from manual therapy to address thoracic hypomobility, improve function, and increase range of motion. During mobilization, the therapist moves the soft tissues and joints gently in an effort to relieve discomfort, lubricate the joint surfaces, and restore normal range of motion. Physiotherapy is often recommended for patients with persistent neck pain so that their muscles can be strengthened and stretched. It has been demonstrated to be successful in restoring the mobility, flexibility, and core strength through a specific sequence of exercises.

Physical therapy offers the benefit of aiding in both pain prevention and pain alleviation. Verify that your mattress offers sufficient back support and that every chair you use promotes proper posture. When you maintain proper posture, the muscles in your spine can support your body weight and ease the strain on your spinal joints. By keeping your neck from "stiffening up" from excessive rest, you can avoid aggravating your symptoms.


Yoga for Cervical Spondylosis

Children are also more vulnerable to this condition as a result of sedentary lives and lifestyle modifications. The combination of long work hours, inactivity, and elevated stress eventually turns this into a chronic health issue.
A secure, all-natural remedy for cervical spondylosis is yoga. Frequent use of this ancient knowledge leads to a flexible body, a calm mind, and a positive attitude on life.

Country wise cost comparison for Ayurveda Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis:

Country Cost
India $3780

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 30 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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