Ayurveda Treatment for Knee Pain (Osteoarthritis) in India | Book package at HCH

Ayurveda Treatment for Knee Pain (Osteoarthritis) cost in India

The Cost of Ayurveda Treatment for Knee Pain (Osteoarthritis) in India ranges between USD 3840 - USD 6850

One of the most common causes of pain in the knee joints is osteoarthritis. Millions of people worldwide are afflicted by this debilitating illness. This typically occurs as a result of the joints' cushioning cartilage deteriorating over time.

While it can impact any joint, the hip, knees, spine, and other major joints are the most commonly impacted.

Ayurveda Treatment for Knee Pain (Osteoarthritis)

There are numerous effective Ayurvedic therapies for treating knee pain of any kind. Either reducing pain or restoring full function would be the main goals of the treatment.

The kind of treatment chosen and how long it takes are entirely determined by how severe the illness is.


Ayurveda treatment session includes:

  • Abhyanga with medicated oils
  • Svedana Modalities.
    • Bashpasvedana (includes fomentation therapy with evaporation).
    • Patrapinda sveda or elakizhi (includes fomentation therapy with bolus of various medicinal herbs mixed with other essential poeders)
    • Shasitka Shali Pinda (includes fomentation therapy with Herbal rice along with various medicinal herbs)
    • UpanahaSweda (includes fomentation therapy with application of Herbal paste)
  • Janu Basti
  • Bahu Basti
  • Greeva Basti
  • Lepa
  • Ayurveda Panchakarma
  • Internal medications
  • Rasayana

Physiotherapy for Knee Pain (Osteoarthritis)


Osteoarthritis is characterized by decreasing muscle strength, particularly in the muscles surrounding the afflicted joint, decreased flexibility, weight increase, limitations on performing ADLs, and commonly restricted mobility.

Immediate objectives that the treatment seeks to achieve

Ideal body mass
Enhanced range of motion in joints
increased strength in the muscles
elevated ability to perform aerobically.
An essential part of treating osteoarthritis is physical therapy, which teaches patients how to utilize their joints correctly, exercise (including cardiovascular and mobility and flexibility exercises), propose assistive technology, and employ modalities.


Yoga for Knee Pain (Osteoarthritis)


Yoga is classified as a mild form of exercise because it increases heart rate with minimal joint strain.

Realizing which postures to do (and which to avoid) can help you get the most out of your consistent yoga practice.

Choosing the correct kind of exercise can be challenging, but a regular yoga practice can help maintain good knee strength and mobility, which are necessary for walking and other daily tasks. Numerous popular workouts, like jogging and aerobics, are high-impact (i.e., they exert a lot of force on the joints), which can aggravate knee discomfort by putting strain on the knees.

Depending on your health, Maurya offers chair yoga instruction, mental toughness meditation, and pain management pranayama.

Country wise cost comparison for Ayurveda Treatment for Knee Pain (Osteoarthritis):

Country Cost
India $3708

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 30 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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