Ayurveda Treatment Cost for Spinal Cord Injury in India | HCH

Ayurveda Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury cost in India

The Cost of Ayurveda Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury in India ranges from USD 3800 to USD 6000

Any physical trauma, including falls, repetitive strain injuries, and other incidents, will always be the cause of spinal cord injury. The degree to which the spinal cord is damaged determines the prognosis of spinal cord injury. Therapy and recovery periods might last anything from a few months to several years. Ayurveda and rehabilitation can effectively handle cases other than total spinal cord amputation. The prognosis is determined on the extent of neurological involvement. The likelihood of recovery increases with decreasing neurological involvement and increases with decreasing spinal cord injury.

Ayurvedic Treatment for  Spinal Cord Injury

Similar to any other acute injury, a spinal cord injury results in inflammation of the surrounding tissues and nerve cells. Therefore, the main goal is to lessen inflammation by administering drugs and anti-inflammatory treatments. Many drying therapies, such as Dhara and Ruksha Kizhi, are helpful in this regard. Only oil therapy are used when the irritation has decreased. Oil therapies are mostly used to strengthen the injured tissues, joints, and muscles once the inflammation has fully subsided. In addition, inside drugs that speed up the healing process and promote cell regeneration are administered.

Panchakarma Therapies include

  • Sarvanga abhyanga
  • Patra potali sweda
  • Ruksha sweda
  • Shashtika shali pinda sweda
  • Shirodhara
  • Vasthi
  • Abhyantara sneha pana
  • Nasya
  • Dhoomapana
  • Ushna upanaha

Swedana (shashtika shali pinda sveda, abhyanga, patra potali sveda, etc.) helps to improve nerve function and lessen the spastic aspect of the disease while restoring movement. Vasthi (mathra, anuvasana, and asthapana vasthi) also helps.


Ayurvedic Medicine for Spinal Cord Injury


Spinal cord injuries can be treated with the ayurvedic medications known as Shamana oushadis. While guggulu preparations aid in tendon and ligament, bone and bone marrow, neurological, and rheumatological problems, ashwagandha and guduchi have rasayana and balya qualities.

Brimhana Chikitsa, a treatment that will assist the patient regain his strength, will be administered if the patient is in the nirama stage. Treatment for symptoms will be administered in accordance with the patient's condition.


Physiotherapy for Spinal Cord Injury

Individuals with incomplete spinal cord injuries appear in a variety of ways, depending on the severity of the injury. As a result, every person needs individualized treatment and continuous assessment. The goal of physiotherapy treatment is to help the patient heal and return to their previous physical state as much as possible.The following goals are the focus of our physiotherapists' efficient physiotherapy treatment sessions:

Exercise can help weak muscles become stronger.
Reducing contractures can be achieved by stretching tight muscles.
promoting regular exercise, improving trunk, arm, and leg control, and
fostering daily living activities.
exercises that enhance balance.
Reduce any anxiety you may be feeling and regain your self-confidence.
Improving the capacity to sit, stand, roll over, and move around in bed.
Engage in exercise to fight weariness and increase endurance.
exercises that improve blood flow and range of motion.
Tips for arranging oneself to be as comfortable as possible
guidance regarding orthotics and walking aids.
water-based treatment.
promoting independence in order to improve life quality.


Country wise cost comparison for Ayurveda Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury:

Country Cost
India $3771

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 30 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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Frequently Asked Questions

Following emergency care, it is essential to begin rehabilitation therapy as soon as possible after the injury. The ideal time to heal fully is thought to be within the first year following the accident.

Usually, a month or a few months, depending on the extent of the injury and the advancements made during the therapeutic process.

Indeed. We offer both high-end and low-cost accommodations to accommodate your stay while undergoing treatment.

Completely cut spinal cord injury cases will not recover using Ayurveda. The goal of their rehabilitation would be to make them capable of supporting themselves.

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