Ayurveda Treatment for Weight Loss In India | Book Package at HCH

Ayurveda Treatment for Weight Loss cost in India

The Cost of Ayurveda Treatment for Weight Loss in India ranges between USD 3750 - USD 6400

In Ayurveda, sthaulya is the ailment that is comparable to obesity. This situation is covered under santarpanotha vikara (illness due to over-nourishment) in Ayurveda. Lipids, or excess fat, are stored in the adipose tissues beneath the skin. 

Ayurveda Treatment for Weight Loss

Langhana and rukshanam are two of the main therapy tenets that are followed in Shad Upakram. Herbal remedies with the property of apatarpana are used internally. Guru Dravya assists in balancing Agni, and medications possessing the virtue of apatarpana lessen Durmeda.

Since obesity is seen as a bahu dosha and the removal of excess dosha is essential, samshodhana is recommended as a therapy option, either as vamana or virechana. For individuals with strength and endurance, it is a highly recommended course of treatment.

According to Ayurveda, Sthaulya is a sickness caused by overnourishment (santarpanotha vikara), and the therapy involves reducing excess doshas (apatharpana). Therefore, internal weight-loss drugs and exterior body treatments (Udwarthanam, Dhara, Udsadanam, Sarvanga abhyanga) are administered.


Yoga for Losing Weight
Yoga doesn't have to be a strenuous exercise regimen that uses a lot of energy, but even basic asanas (or positions) can increase your metabolism and help you lose extra weight naturally. Yoga is a simple art to learn and practice. Additionally, it is a side-effect-free, natural solution to obesity and weight loss. For all your health issues, yoga is the finest choice. Here are some poses that will aid in fat loss.

In addition to improving blood circulation and warming up the muscles, dynamic Surya Namaskara, commonly known as the Sun Salutation, stretches and tones most of the major muscles, trims the waist, tones the arms, and stimulates.

Country wise cost comparison for Ayurveda Treatment for Weight Loss:

Country Cost
India $3690

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 30 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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