Ayurveda Treatment & Rehab for Back Pain in India | Book package at HCH

Ayurveda Treatment & Rehab for Back Pain cost in India

The Cost of Ayurveda Treatment & Rehab for Back Pain in India ranges between USD 3850 - USD 7050

Back discomfort is one of the leading reasons of doctor visits and missed work, contributing significantly to disability globally.
Fortunately, most cases of back pain are preventable or much lessenable with your actions. Simple self-care techniques combined with good body mechanics will generally have your back fully functional again in a few weeks if prevention fails. Surgery is rarely used to alleviate back pain.
Back pain with a shooting, burning, or stabbing sensation may be present. Furthermore, your pain may worsen or radiate down your leg as you bend, twist, lift, stand, or walk.

Back Pain Treatment with Ayurveda

Based on the degree and phases of the condition, which range from mild to severe, Ayurveda offers widely used therapies for upper and lower back pain. The kind of treatment chosen and how long it takes are entirely determined by how severe the injury is.
In Ayurveda, panchakarma treatments strengthen the tissues that surround the joint, including the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that maintain joint stability.


Ayurveda Treatment sessions include

  • Abhyanga with medicated oils
  • Svedana Modalities: 

    • Bashpasvedana (includes fomentation therapy with evaporation).
    • Patrapinda sveda or elakizhi (includes fomentation therapy with bolus of various medicinal herbs mixed with other essential poeders)
    • UpanahaSweda (includes fomentation therapy with application of Herbal paste)
    • Shasitka Shali Pinda (includes fomentation therapy with Herbal rice along with various medicinal herbs)
  • Janu Basti
  • Bahu Basti
  • Greeva Basti
  • Rasayana
  • Lepa
  • Ayurveda Panchakarma
  • Rasayana
  • Internal medications


Physiotherapy for Low Back Pain

The goals of physical therapy include function restoration, back pain relief, and teaching the patient self-care techniques to prevent future back issues. One of the most crucial parts of treating lower back pain is encouraging early movement in the case of the ailment, and this theory is strongly supported by the available data.
The precise site of discomfort is targeted using the manipulative physiotherapy method in order to accomplish this. Exercises designed to strengthen and stabilize the muscles that have weakened due to lower back discomfort are known as stabilization exercises.

In order to loosen muscular knots, we also use dry needling. Although further clinical research is required to firmly establish dry needling's efficacy in treating trigger points, the treatment is generally safe.
In addition, we support general stretches and exercises that enhance flexibility and appropriate muscle tone. Based on the patient's specific condition and the cause of the lower back pain, a series of properly planned stretches and exercises are usually conducted.
In order to prevent and treat back discomfort, we also offer patients precise ergonomic advise and guidance on utilizing the proper workstation adjustments.
Every patient receives postural recommendations training as well. In this part of physical therapy, the patient is taught the optimal postural habits and how to maintain correct posture to prevent to lower back pain.


Yoga for the Relief of Back Pain

Numerous scientific research demonstrate that stress exacerbates inflammation and pain. Because of this, it's imperative to pay attention to your body and learn how to properly manage stress.
Our yoga programs are expertly crafted to relieve tension and discomfort, instilling a feeling of peace in the patient.
Every class started with chanting and breathing exercises for five minutes. Next came a warm-up and movement sequence for fifteen minutes, and finally, isometric positions for twenty minutes to improve balance, strength, and flexibility. Classes ended with a closing chant, meditation, and a 10-minute deep relaxation (savasana).

Country wise cost comparison for Ayurveda Treatment & Rehab for Back Pain:

Country Cost
India $3735

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 30 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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