Cochlear Implant Bilateral cost in India
The cost of Cochlear Implant Bilateral in India
ranges from USD 10000 to USD 17000
Procedure Description:
Cochlear Implant Bilateral
Bilateral cochlear implantation (BiCI) has been performed with the goal of promoting binaural hearing and improving quality of life. BiCI can maximize binaural hearing benefit when used early in childhood to preserve cortical hearing development. Actually, BiCI improves a wide range of patients, and the purpose of this study was to compare the benefits of bilateral cochlear implantation to unilateral and simultaneous versus sequential implantation in peri- and post-lingual patients. The analysis was based on clinically relevant audiological tests such as aided hearing threshold and speech perception assessments.
Disease Overview:
Sensorineural hearing loss
Hearing loss is caused by injury to the inner ear or the nerve between the ear and the brain.
Sensorineural hearing loss is permanent. In adults, the causes include aging and chronic exposure to loud noise. Causes in children and newborns may include congenital defects or infections.
Higher-pitched tones may sound muted when you have this form of hearing loss. It may be difficult to distinguish words against background noise. Hearing aids and assistive equipment are used to treat the condition.
Disease Signs and Symptoms:
SNHL can affect one or both ears, depending on the etiology. If your SNHL develops gradually, your symptoms may not be detectable without a hearing test. If you have abrupt SNHL, your symptoms will appear within a few days. Many persons have sudden SNHL upon waking.
Sensorineural hearing loss can result in:
1- Difficulty hearing and interpreting background noise, particularly in children's and female voices.
2- dizziness or balance issues.
3- Problems hearing high-pitched noises
4- Sounds and speech appear muffled, causing difficulty understanding.
5- Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears.
Disease Cause:
Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is caused by injury to these specific cells or nerve fibers in the inner ear. Hearing loss can be caused by injury to the nerve that sends information to the brain.
Sensorineural deafness at birth (congenital) is most commonly caused by:
1. Genetic syndromes.
2. Infections that the woman passes to her kid in the pregnancy (herpes, rubella, toxoplasmosis)
3. SNHL can occur in children or adults later in life (acquired) as a result of:
4. Age-related hearing loss
5. Disease of blood vessels
6. Immune illness
7. Infections, including meningitis, mumps, scarlet fever, and measles
8. Injury to the ear or head
9. Prolonged loud noises or sounds.
10. Meniere disease
11. Tumor, such as acoustic neuroma.
12. Use of specific medications
13. Working with loud noises every day.
In rare cases, the cause remains unknown.
Disease Diagnosis:
During your appointment, your doctor will discuss your symptoms and medical history before performing a physical examination of your ears, nose, and throat.
Your doctor may also prescribe a hearing test. During this test, your doctor or an audiologist will assess your response to a variety of sounds and tones at different volume levels. These tests can help your doctor determine which area of the ear is affected, which can provide information about the underlying cause of the hearing loss.
Disease Treatment:
The treatment options for your hearing loss will be determined by the underlying reason. Hearing loss is not always reversible. If no other treatments are available for your hearing loss, your doctor may recommend a hearing aid to help you hear better.
Other therapy possibilities could include:
1. Surgery to heal the ear or remove a tumor
2. Antibiotics to treat infection
Three steroids to minimize inflammation and swelling.
4- Stop using the medication that may be causing the hearing loss.
Hearing loss caused by wax buildup can be remedied by carefully removing the earwax. At home, you can use over-the-counter items like hydrogen peroxide, a few drops of mineral oil, baby oil, or Debrox to remove earwax.
If these products do not improve your condition within a few days, you should consult a doctor. Prolonged use of these products may irritate your ears. If you have a foreign object in your ear that is interfering with your hearing, do not attempt to remove it yourself. Never use cotton swabs or other devices, such as tweezers, to remove a foreign body since they might cause ear harm. If you have any further symptoms, such as dizziness, facial weakness, imbalance, or neurological issues, consult your doctor right away.
Country wise cost comparison for Cochlear Implant Bilateral:
Country | Cost |
India | $10800 |
Turkey | $22977 |
Treatment and Cost
Total Days
In Country
- 4 Day in Hospital
- 2 No. Travelers
- 10 Days Outside Hospital
Treatment cost starts from
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