Orbital Decompression Surgery

Orbital Decompression Surgery cost in India

The Cost of Orbital Decompression Surgery in India ranges from USD 2200 to USD 3000

Exophthalmos, the medical term for protruding or bulging eyes, is a sign that you may have Graves' ophthalmopathy, a disorder that exerts pressure on the eye socket. Loss of eyesight could potentially result from an excessive increase in the orbital pressure surrounding your eyes. In order to treat exophthalmos, orbital decompression is the surgical removal of the bones and occasionally the fat from the eye socket.

Exophthalmos, the medical term for protruding or bulging eyes, is a sign that you may have Graves' ophthalmopathy, a disorder that exerts pressure on the eye socket. Loss of eyesight could potentially result from an excessive increase in the orbital pressure surrounding your eyes. In order to treat exophthalmos, orbital decompression is the surgical removal of the bones and occasionally the fat from the eye socket.

What Advantages Do Orbital Decompression Surgery Offer?
restore eyesight when the orbital muscles have lowered the optic nerve
In the case of Grave's ophthalmology, to enhance appearance
help alleviate eye irritation, bulging eyes, and dry eye symptoms.

Orbital Decompression Surgery: Who Needs It?
In order to cure Graves' ophthalmopathy, which is caused by an accumulation of certain carbohydrates in the muscles and tissues behind your eye, orbital decompression surgery is carried out. The following Graves' ophthalmopathy symptoms can be treated with it:

enlarging the eyes
dry eyes
unable to fully close one's eyes
dual vision
eyelid swelling
Elevated pressure within the orbit
persistent eye pain

Country wise cost comparison for Orbital Decompression Surgery:

Country Cost
India $2160

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 2 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 10 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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