Explore Multiple Myeloma Treatment Cost in India | Most Popular Hospitals: HCH

Multiple Myeloma Treatment cost in India

The cost of Multiple Myeloma Treatment in India ranges from USD 13500 to USD 38000

Procedure Description:

Multiple Myeloma Treatment (Autologous Myeloma)

Treatment for multiple myeloma is not typically required immediately. In the event that the myeloma does not exhibit any symptoms, you may undergo testing to monitor its progression. Medications are often the first line of treatment for multiple myeloma symptoms. Therapy can help manage side effects, reduce discomfort, and decrease the spread of myeloma cells.

Possible therapies include:

1. Targeted therapy: This approach makes use of medications that target particular molecules present in cancer cells. Targeted therapies have the ability to kill cancer cells by preventing these substances from functioning.

2. Immunotherapy: An medication-based treatment, immunotherapy stimulates the body's immune system to eliminate cancer cells. The immune system targets bacteria and other foreign cells in the body to prevent illness. Cancer cells evade the immune system in order to survive. Immunotherapy aids in the immune system's ability to identify and eliminate cancerous cells.

3. CAR-T Cell therapy:. CAR-T cell treatment, also known as chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy, activates your immune system to combat multiple myeloma. Your blood is first treated by having some white blood cells, including T cells, removed. A lab receives the cells. The cells are modified in the lab to produce unique receptors. The myeloma cell surface has a signature that the cells can recognize thanks to the receptors. The cells are then reintroduced into your body. They are now able to locate and eliminate the many myeloma cells.

4. The use of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy kills cancer cells using potent medications. The medications destroy rapidly proliferating cells, such as myeloma cells.

5. Steroids. Corticosteroid medications aid in the regulation of inflammation, or swelling and irritation, within the body. They combat myeloma cells as well.

6- Transplanting bone marrow. Healthy bone marrow is substituted for sick bone marrow in a bone marrow transplant, commonly referred to as a stem cell transplant.

Your blood is drawn to extract blood-forming stem cells prior to a bone marrow transplant. After that, you will receive high doses of chemotherapy to kill your damaged bone marrow. The stem cells are then injected into your body. They make their way to the bones and start marrow reconstruction. An autologous bone marrow transplant is the name for this kind of transplant that uses your own cells. The donor of the stem cells may occasionally be healthy. An allogenic bone marrow transplant is the name given to this kind of transplant.

7. Radiation treatment. Strong energy beams are used in radiation therapy to destroy cancer cells. Protons, X-rays, and other sources are possible sources of the energy. Radiation can rapidly stop myeloma cell development. If myeloma cells aggregate into a mass known as a plasmacytoma, it may be utilized. Radiation therapy may be used to manage a plasmacytoma that is producing discomfort or breaking bones.

Disease Overview:

Multiple Myeloma:

Malignant plasma cells in bone marrow develop bone marrow cancer, also known as multiple myeloma, which spreads throughout the body.

Multiple myeloma is a malignancy that develops in the plasma cells of white blood cells. Antibodies that detect and destroy germs are produced by healthy plasma cells, which aid in the battle against infections. Cancerous plasma cells grow in the bone marrow and drive out healthy blood cells in multiple myeloma. Instead of producing beneficial antibodies, cancer cells create aberrant proteins that might cause problems.

Multiple myeloma treatment isn't always required right away. Your doctor may prescribe diligent monitoring instead of early treatment if the multiple myeloma is slow developing and not causing signs and symptoms. There are a variety of therapeutic choices for patients with multiple myeloma who need help controlling the disease.

Disease Signs and Symptoms:

Multiple myeloma symptoms and signs vary, and there may be none at all early on in the disease.

When signs and symptoms do appear, they may include the following:

  • Bone discomfort, particularly in the spine and chest
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Appetite loss.
  • Confusion or mental fogginess
  • Fatigue
  • Infections that occur frequently
  • Loss of weight
  • Leg numbness or a feeling of weakness
  • Thirst that is excessive

Disease Causes:

It is unknown what causes myeloma.

Myeloma is thought to start with a single aberrant plasma cell in your bone marrow, which is the soft, blood-producing tissue that fills the middle of most of your bones. The aberrant cell proliferates quickly.

Because cancer cells do not mature and subsequently die like regular cells, they collect and eventually outnumber healthy cell creation. Myeloma cells squeeze out healthy blood cells in the bone marrow, causing exhaustion and an inability to fight infections.

Myeloma cells, like healthy plasma cells, continue to try to make antibodies, but they generate aberrant antibodies that the body can't employ. Instead, aberrant antibodies (monoclonal proteins, or M proteins) accumulate in the body, causing issues such as kidney damage. Cancer cells can also cause bone deterioration, increasing the chance of breaking a bone.

A relationship with MGUS

Almost all cases of multiple myeloma begin as a relatively benign illness known as monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS).

MGUS, like multiple myeloma, is identified by the presence of M proteins in your blood, which are generated by abnormal plasma cells. However, with MGUS, M protein levels are reduced, and no harm to the body occurs.

Factors that are at risk

  • Multiple myeloma can be caused by a number of factors, including:
  • Getting older. Multiple myeloma is more common as you become older, with most people being diagnosed in their mid-60s.
  • Sex of a man. Men are more prone than women to get the condition.
  • The race of black people. Persons of colour are more likely than people of other races to acquire multiple myeloma.
  • Multiple myeloma runs in the family. You have a higher chance of developing multiple myeloma if a sibling, sister, or parent has the disease.
  • Personal experience with a monoclonal gammopathy of unknown relevance (MGUS). MGUS usually always precedes multiple myeloma, therefore having this condition doubles your risk.

Disease Diagnosis:

When your doctor finds multiple myeloma by mistake during a blood test for another ailment, it is called multiple myeloma. If your doctor believes you have multiple myeloma based on your signs and symptoms, it can be diagnosed.

The following tests and procedures are used to diagnose multiple myeloma:

Tests on the blood. Myeloma cells generate M proteins, which can be detected with a blood test. Beta-2-microglobulin, an aberrant protein generated by myeloma cells, may be discovered in your blood and provide your doctor with information regarding the aggressiveness of your myeloma.

Blood tests to check renal function, blood cell counts, calcium levels, and uric acid levels can also help your doctor figure out what's wrong with you.

Urine tests are performed. When M proteins, also known as Bence Jones proteins, are identified in urine, they are referred to as Bence Jones proteins.

Your bone marrow will be examined. A sample of bone marrow may be taken for laboratory testing by your doctor. A large needle is put into a bone to collect the sample (bone marrow aspiration and biopsy).

The sample is tested in the lab for myeloma cells. Specialized techniques, such as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), can discover gene alterations in myeloma cells.

Imaging tests are performed. Bone issues linked with multiple myeloma may necessitate imaging testing. X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and positron emission tomography are some of the tests that may be performed (PET).

Disease Treatment:

Treatment can help reduce pain, control illness complications, stabilise your health, and limit the progression of multiple myeloma if you're suffering symptoms.

It's possible that immediate therapy isn't required.

If you have multiple myeloma but no symptoms (also known as smouldering multiple myeloma), you may not require immediate treatment. Multiple myeloma that is slow developing and in its early stages may not require immediate therapy. Your doctor will, however, keep a close eye on your situation for indicators of illness progression. This might include blood and urine testing on a regular basis.

You and your doctor may decide to start treatment if you develop signs and symptoms or if your multiple myeloma shows evidence of progression.

Myeloma treatment options

The following are examples of standard treatment options:

Therapy that is specific to the patient. Targeted medication therapies concentrate on particular flaws seen in cancer cells. Targeted medication therapies can kill cancer cells by inhibiting these aberrations.

Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that makes use of your immune system. Because cancer cells create proteins that assist them hide from immune system cells, your body's disease-fighting immune system may not attack your cancer. Immunotherapy works by interfering with the immune system's natural processes.

Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a treatment that employs chemicals to destroy cancer cells. Fast-growing cells, such as myeloma cells, are killed by the medications. Before a bone marrow transplant, high dosages of chemotherapy medicines are utilised.

Corticosteroids. Corticosteroid drugs manage inflammation in the body by regulating the immune system. They're also good in killing myeloma cells.

Transplantation of bone marrow. A stem cell transplant, often known as a bone marrow transplant, is a treatment that replaces damaged bone marrow with healthy bone marrow.

Blood-forming stem cells are taken from your blood before a bone marrow transplant. The damaged bone marrow is subsequently destroyed with large doses of chemotherapy. The stem cells are then injected into your body, where they go to your bones and begin the process of rebuilding your bone marrow.

Radiation therapy is a type of treatment that involves the use of To destroy cancer cells, radiation treatment employs high-powered energy beams from sources such as X-rays and protons. It can be used to diminish myeloma cells in a specific location fast, such as when a cluster of aberrant plasma cells forms a tumour (plasmacytoma) that causes discomfort or destroys a body part.

Country wise cost comparison for Multiple Myeloma Treatment:

Country Cost
India $16920

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
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  • 12 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 90 Days Outside Hospital

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