Cervical Spine Surgery cost in India | Get A Free Quote

Cervical Spine Surgery cost in India

The cost of Cervical Spine Surgery in India ranges from USD 7000 to USD 11000

Cervical Spine Surgery

The part of the spinal column that comprises the neck is called the cervical spine. It is made up of seven bones, or vertebrae, that are spaced apart by intervertebral discs. Because signals from the brain to the rest of the body may be permanently disrupted, pressure on or damage to the spinal cord in the cervical spine region might result in major issues. The arms and legs, as well as other vital organs, might become dysfunctional due to damage to these nerves.

All levels of paralysis below the injury, including the respiratory muscles, can result from cervical spine injuries. Every cervical spine injury is an emergency that needs to be treated right away.

Procedure Description:

Cervical Spine Surgery

The part of the spinal column that comprises the neck is called the cervical spine. It is made up of seven bones, or vertebrae, that are spaced apart by intervertebral discs. Because signals from the brain to the rest of the body may be permanently disrupted, pressure on or damage to the spinal cord in the cervical spine region might result in major issues. The arms and legs, as well as other vital organs, might become dysfunctional due to damage to these nerves.

All levels of paralysis below the injury, including the respiratory muscles, can result from cervical spine injuries. Every cervical spine injury is an emergency that needs to be treated right away.

Through the use of spinal spine surgery, pressure that a damaged or aberrant component of the spine—typically a disc or vertebra—places on a nerve root can be released. The tendons, ligaments, and bones that support and protect the spinal cord can potentially be broken or dislocated with it. The following are the objectives of cervical spine surgery: relieve pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness. 

regain nerve function. Stop or avoid the spine's aberrant motion. A surgeon performing cervical spine surgery may approach the spine from the sides, back, or front of the neck.

Disease Overview:

Spine Tumor:

A growth that forms inside your spine's bones or inside your spinal canal is called a spinal tumor. An intradural tumor, another name for a spinal cord tumor, is a type of tumor that starts inside the dura, which covers the spinal cord. A vertebral tumor is a tumor that affects the vertebrae, which are the bones that make up the spine.

Depending on where they develop in relation to the spinal cord's protective membranes, three different types of spinal cord tumors can be identified.

The primary categories of intradural tumors are as follows:

Intramedullary tumors, such as gliomas, astrocytomas, or ependymomas, originate in the cells that make up the spinal cord.

Extramedullary cancers can develop in the membrane encircling the spinal cord or in the nerve roots extending from the cord itself. These tumors don't start inside the spinal cord, but they can still impair spinal cord function by compressing the spinal cord and causing other issues. Extramedullary tumors, such as meningiomas, neurofibromas, schwannomas, and nerve sheath tumors, can cause damage to the spinal cord.

Metastasizing tumors from one area of the body can move to the spinal cord, vertebrae, or, in extreme circumstances, the spinal cord itself.

Any type of growth or tumor in the spine can cause discomfort, neurological issues, and perhaps paralysis. A spinal tumor has the potential to be fatal and irreversibly deformable.

Disease Signs and Symptom:

Various signs and symptoms, particularly as the tumors grow, can be caused by spinal cord tumors. Your spinal cord, nerve roots, blood vessels, or spine bones could all be impacted by the malignancies. Among the symptoms and indicators are:

1. Tumor growth-related pain at the tumor site

2. Back discomfort that frequently spreads to other body areas

3. Experiencing reduced pain, heat, and cold sensitivity

4- Blood or bladder function loss

5. Difficulty walking, which can occasionally result in falls

6- back discomfort that gets worse in night.

7- Sensation loss or weakness, particularly in the arms and legs

8- You may have slight or severe muscle weakness in various body areas.

Disease Causes:

Back discomfort can have numerous origins, and most of the time, a tumor is not the reason behind it. However, as spinal tumors require prompt detection and treatment, consult your physician about any back pain you may be experiencing if:

1. It is tenacious and forward-thinking

2- You have a history of Cancer and this is not related to your activity

3. Pain worsens at night

4. You experience new back pain

5. You also experience additional cancer symptoms such nausea, vomiting, or lightheadedness.

Seek emergency medical assistance if you encounter:

1- Increasing numbness or muscle weakness in your arms or legs

2- Modifications to bladder or bowel function

Diagnosis for Disease:

Because spinal tumors are uncommon and have symptoms that are similar to those of more frequent illnesses, they may occasionally go unnoticed. Because of this, it's crucial that your doctor conducts both a general physical and a neurological exam, as well as knows your whole medical history.

These tests can assist your doctor in confirming the diagnosis and locating the spinal tumor if they suspect one:

1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spine: A strong magnetic field and radio waves are used in an MRI to provide precise images of your spine, spinal cord, and nerves. MRI is typically the test of choice for identifying malignancies affecting the spinal cord and surrounding tissues.

2. CT (Computerized Tomography): A narrow radiation beam is used in this examination to provide finely detailed images of your spine. In order to highlight aberrant alterations in the spinal cord or spinal canal, it is occasionally coupled with an injected contrast dye. Spinal tumors are infrequently diagnosed with the use of a CT scan.

3. Biopsy: Examining a small tissue sample (biopsy) under a microscope is the sole method to pinpoint the precise type of spinal tumor. Options for treatment will be determined in part by the biopsy results.

Disease Treatment:

The ideal course of treatment for a spinal tumor would involve totally removing the tumor, however this may not be possible due to the possibility of irreversible harm to the spinal cord and nearby nerves. Physicians also need to consider your general health and age. A treatment plan must take into account the sort of tumor, whether it originates from the spinal canal or spine's components, or whether it has traveled from another area of your body to your spine.

For the majority of spinal tumors, treatment options include:

1. Surgery: When a tumor can be removed with a reasonable risk of damage to the spinal cord or nerves, this is frequently the preferred course of treatment.

Neurosurgeons are now able to access tumors that were previously thought to be unreachable because to improved methods and tools. The ability to differentiate between healthy tissue and tumors is facilitated by the powerful microscopes used in microsurgery.

2. Radiation therapy: This can be used to treat tumors that are too dangerous to operate on, to eradicate the remains of tumors that are left over after surgery, or both.

Certain radiation side effects, such nausea and vomiting, may be lessened with the aid of medications.

3. The use of chemotherapy: Chemotherapy, a common treatment for many cancer types, employs drugs to either kill cancer cells or prevent them from proliferating. Chemotherapy alone or in conjunction with radiation therapy may be helpful for you, depending on your doctor's assessment.

Country wise cost comparison for Cervical Spine Surgery:

Country Cost
India $8010

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 4 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 10 Days Outside Hospital

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