Explore Colorectal Cancer Treatment (3rd Stage) Cost in India | Most Popular Hospitals: HCH

Colorectal Cancer Treatment (3rd Stage) cost in India

The cost of Colorectal Cancer Treatment (3rd Stage) in India ranges from USD 7800 to USD 16000

Colorectal Cancer Treatment (3rd Stage)

Neighboring lymph nodes have been affected by stage 3 colon cancer, but not other parts of the body.

Adjuvant chemotherapy, combined with a partial colectomy and excision of adjacent lymph nodes, is the standard treatment for stage 3 colon cancer. Patients with qualifying stage 3 colon cancer may also be able to participate in clinical studies investigating novel chemotherapeutic approaches.

In cases where the cancer cannot be entirely eradicated, radiation therapy in addition to chemotherapy may be advised. For stage 3 colon cancer, radiation therapy may also be used to: 

- Reduce the tumor size so that surgery is possible; 

- Eliminate cancer cells that remain after surgery; 

- Treat cancer that is still attached to a nearby organ; 

- Treat patients who are not well enough to undergo surgery.

Country wise cost comparison for Colorectal Cancer Treatment (3rd Stage):

Country Cost
India $8550
Canada $39464

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 4 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 26 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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