Meatoplasty cost in India
The cost of Meatoplasty in
India ranges from USD 1200 to USD 3500
Meatoplasty is a procedure that involves surgically opening the end of a child's penis and stitching the margins together. When the aperture at the end of a boy's penis is too tiny or the shape of the hole distorts the urine stream, making it difficult for him to urinate, this surgery is performed (pee).
Meatoplasty involves making an incision in the glans, the tip of the child's penis, and stitching the borders of the opened region together using sutures. This helps to enlarge the region around the meatus, making it simpler to pee. This may also result in a considerably wider hole through which pee can escape.
Meatoplasty is a procedure that involves surgically opening the end of a child's penis and stitching the margins together. When the aperture at the end of a boy's penis is too tiny or the shape of the hole distorts the urine stream, making it difficult for him to urinate, this surgery is performed (pee).
Meatoplasty involves making an incision in the glans, the tip of the child's penis, and stitching the borders of the opened region together using sutures. This helps to enlarge the region around the meatus, making it simpler to pee. This may also result in a considerably wider hole through which pee can escape.
Disease Overview:
Meatal stenosis
Meatal stenosis is a condition in which the meatus, which is the aperture at the tip of the penis, narrows. The term "stenosis" refers to a narrowing of a channel in your body. This syndrome might be present from birth or develop later in life. Meatal stenosis commonly strikes children between the ages of 3 and 7.
Disease Signs and Symptoms:
The symptoms of meatal stenosis are caused by a partial blockage of urine flow.
If this occurs, you may have the following symptoms:
- While urinating, you may experience pain or a burning sensation.
- Urge to urinate on the spur of the moment.
- Urinating on a regular basis.
- A urine stream that is tiny, thin, and moves quickly.
- Urinary flow that sprays (often upward) or is difficult to direct.
- You're having trouble emptying your bladder completely.
- After urinating, a drop of blood near the tip of the penis.
Disease Causes:
When the aperture at the end of the penis narrows, it is called meatal stenosis. Circumcised guys are virtually invariably affected by this problem. Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from above the head of the penis. Meatal stenosis in uncircumcised guys is uncommon. This might indicate that circumcision was a factor in the narrowing of the meatus. Meatal stenosis can also be caused by:
- After circumcision, a baby's penis rubs against a diaper or the baby's own skin, causing inflammation (swelling) or damage.
- A diaper that has become clogged with uric acid and ammonia crystals present in urine.
- Urinary catheters used for a long time (tubes used to drain urine).
- Instruments are inserted into the urethra during procedures or operations.
Disease Diagnosis:
Meatal stenosis is diagnosed by having your healthcare professional do a physical examination and measuring the breadth of the meatus. The route is partially closed if the meatus is tiny and narrow.
However, various guys have varying meatal diameters because to natural variances. This suggests that you can have a narrow meatus without having meatal stenosis if you don't have meatal stenosis.
During the diagnosing procedure, your healthcare expert will also evaluate additional aspects. The key to determining whether stenosis is present or not is your general health, not simply the look of the meatus. You can tell if your pee stream is straight or not by looking at it while you're urinating. Additionally, your healthcare professional can take measures of the rate of flow to aid in the correct diagnosis.
The presence of an uncontrolled urine stream and urinary stream spraying might indicate that the meatal stenosis has to be corrected.
Disease Treatment:
Meatal stenosis can be treated in a variety of methods. A steroid cream may be given on the meatus in rare circumstances. In most situations, however, a technique known as meatotomy is the best option. This surgery entails removing the blocked section of the meatus and enlarging the aperture. It is uncommon for meatal stenosis to recur after this operation.
Another therapeutic approach is to try to extend the meatus opening wider. This procedure, however, has the potential to rip the skin, which might lead to the creation of scar tissue, narrowing the aperture even further.
Country wise cost comparison for Meatoplasty:
Country | Cost |
India | $1440 |
Treatment and Cost
Total Days
In Country
- 1 Day in Hospital
- 2 No. Travelers
- 5 Days Outside Hospital
Treatment cost starts from