Nova IVF Centre and Fertility Clinic, Kalyan Nagar, Bengaluru | Bengaluru , India

Profile (Overview)

One of the biggest companies offering fertility treatment services is Nova IVF Fertility (NIF). With the help of NIF, India will have access to advanced Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) on par with what is currently available worldwide. Although the number of patients choosing infertility treatments in India has increased significantly, the numbers are still pitifully small when compared to the number of couples who actually need medical care. The lack of awareness is one of the main causes of this. The fundamental idea that infertility is a disease that requires medical attention must be made clear to the public. In addition to addressing the urgent need for an organised institutional provider for fertility treatment, NIF was founded with the commitment to provide standardised and moral infertility treatment. Along with standard procedures like IUI, IVF, and andrology services, NIF also provides a number of cutting-edge technologies like vitrification for the preservation of embryos and eggs, the embryoscope, and ERA (Endometrial Receptor Array) to determine when the uterus is ready to receive embryos. Even in patients who have previously experienced multiple failures with IVF and ICSI, all these procedures significantly increase the likelihood of becoming pregnant after these treatments.

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Dr. Apurva Satish Amarnath

Dr. Apurva Satish Amarnath

Karnataka, India

11 Years of Experience

Fertility Consultant Dr. Apurva Satish Amarnath works at Nova IVF Fertility in Kalyan Nagar. Her expertise in reproductive medicine for the past ten years has allowed her to thoroughly examine Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART) and the evidence-based procedures that can aid couples in conceiving children. Her research focuses on the management of PCOS, endometriosis, recurrent implantation failure, recurrent pregnancy loss, poor responders, and male infertility using a multi-pronged approach. She also focuses on fertility preservation, which enables women to store their eggs in order to use them in the future to conceive biological children. Interest in Publications/Research A case report of a pregnancy with aplastic anaemia that was successful. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 12, March 25, 2013, Sunil Kumar K. S., Laxmi V. Yaliwal, R. M. Desai, Prajna Kumari, and Apurva S. A. A case report of a unicornuate uterus's rudimentary horn rupturing at 16 weeks' gestation. Apurva Amarnath, Sunil Kumar K S, Laxmi Vijay Yaliwal, and Prajna Anchan. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol, 2013 Jun;2(2):248–250 View Profile


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