Colostomy cost in India
The cost of Colostomy in India ranges from USD 2400 to USD 4000
Procedure Description:
A colostomy is a surgical procedure that creates an opening for the colon (large intestine) via the abdomen. A colostomy can be temporary or permanent. It is commonly performed after bowel surgery or damage. End colostomies account for the majority of permanent colostomy procedures.
Disease Overview:
Diverticulosis develops when small, bulging pouches (diverticula) form in the digestive tract. Diverticulitis is a condition caused by one or more of these pouches becoming inflamed or infected. Diverticula are tiny, bulging pouches that can grow in the lining of your digestive tract.
Disease Signs and Symptoms:
The symptoms of diverticulitis include:
1- Pain that can last for several days. The pain usually occurs on the lower left side of the abdomen. However, the right side of the abdomen can be more uncomfortable, particularly in those of Asian origin.
2. Nausea and vomiting.
3. Fever.
4. Tenderness in the abdomen.
5. Constipation or, less commonly, diarrhea.
Disease Causes:
Diverticula typically form when naturally weak areas in your colon give way under strain. This causes marble-sized pouches to emerge from the colon wall.
Diverticulitis develops when the diverticula tears, causing irritation and, in rare circumstances, infection.
Several factors can raise your risk of having diverticulitis:
1. Aging. The prevalence of diverticulitis rises with age.
Obesity. Being severely obese increases your risk of having diverticulitis.
2. Smoking. People who smoke cigarettes are more prone than nonsmokers to get diverticulitis.
3. Lack of exercise. Vigorous exercise appears to reduce the risk of diverticulitis.
4- A diet heavy in animal fat but deficient in fiber. A low-fiber diet combined with a high intake of animal fat appears to raise risk, however the impact of low fiber alone remains unclear.
Certain medicines. Several medicines have been linked to an increased incidence of diverticulitis, including steroids, opioids, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs including ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and others) and naproxen sodium (Aleve).
Disease Diagnosis:
Diverticulitis is typically detected during an acute bout. Because stomach discomfort might signal a variety of issues, your doctor will need to rule out any other possibilities for your symptoms.
Your doctor will begin with a physical examination, including a check for pain in your abdomen. Women are usually given a pelvic examination to rule out pelvic illness.
Following that, the following tests are expected:
1- Blood and urine tests to detect evidence of infection.
2- A pregnancy test for women of reproductive age is used to rule out pregnancy as the reason of abdominal pain.
3- A liver enzyme test to rule out any liver-related causes of stomach pain.
4- A stool test is used to rule out infection in persons who have diarrhea.
5- A CT scan can detect inflamed or diseased pouches and confirm the diagnosis of diverticulitis. CT can also help determine the degree of diverticulitis and guide treatment.
Disease Treatment:
Treatment is determined by the severity of your indications and symptoms.
1) Uncomplicated diverticulitis: If your symptoms are modest, you could be treated at home. Your doctor is likely to recommend:
- Antibiotics to treat infection, though revised guidelines suggest that in extremely mild cases, they may not be required.
- Follow a liquid diet for a few days while your bowels heal. Once your symptoms heal, you can gradually incorporate solid foods into your diet.
- This medication is effective for the majority of persons with simple diverticulitis.
2- Complex diverticulitis
If you have a serious attack or other health concerns, you will most certainly require hospitalization. Treatment typically involves intravenous antibiotics.
- Inserting a catheter to drain an abdominal abscess, if it has formed.
To treat diverticulitis, surgery may be necessary if there are complications such a colon abscess, fistula, obstruction, or perforation in the intestinal wall.
You've had several episodes of simple diverticulitis.
1. You have a poor immune system.
There are two major categories of surgery:
2. Primary bowel resection. The surgeon eliminates damaged intestinal segments and reconnects healthy ones (anastomosis). This enables for normal bowel movements. Depending on the severity of
3- inflammation, surgery may be open or minimally invasive (laparoscopic).
4- Bowel resection and colostomy. If there is too much inflammation to reattach your colon and rectum, the surgeon will perform a colostomy. An opening (stoma) in your abdominal wall connects to the healthy portion of your colon. Waste flows through the aperture and into a bag. Once the irritation subsides, the colostomy can be reversed, and the bowel rejoined.
Country wise cost comparison for Colostomy:
Country | Cost |
India | $3600 |
Iran | $3202 |
Treatment and Cost
Total Days
In Country
- 7 Day in Hospital
- 2 No. Travelers
- 16 Days Outside Hospital
Treatment cost starts from