Explore Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Treatment Cost in India | Most Popular Hospitals: HCH

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Treatment cost in India

The cost of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Treatment in India ranges from USD 9600 to USD 15000

Procedure Description:

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Treatment

The goal of treating teenage idiopathic scoliosis is to avoid or lessen symptoms by reversing, halting, or limiting progressive spine curvature. Surgery, physical modalities (bracing, physical therapy), and observation are available alternatives for management.

Disease Overview:

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine that develops in late childhood or adolescence. Instead of growing straight, the spine develops a side-to-side curvature, typically in an extended "S" or "C" form; the spine's bones are also somewhat twisted or rotated.

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis develops during the adolescent growth spurt, a period when youngsters grow rapidly. In many situations, the aberrant spinal curve is stable, but in some children, it progresses (meaning it grows more severe with time). For unexplained reasons, severe and progressive curves are more common in girls than boys. However, slight spinal curvature is equally frequent in both boys and girls.

Degrees are used to measure them.

- Mild: 20 degrees or less

- Moderate temperature range: 25 to 40 degrees

- Severe: 50 degrees or above

Disease Sign and Symptoms:

Everybody experiences scoliosis differently, and so do its symptoms. A variation in any of the following could be one of the symptoms:

1. Height of shoulders

2. Head alignment (the head is not in line with the torso)

3. The height or posture of the hips

4. Shoulder blade location or height

5. How the arms rest next to the torso while one is standing up

6. How the back's sides appear when bending forward

It's possible that you or your kid have noticed that their garments aren't hanging properly. The majority of teenagers with scoliosis are not in discomfort as a result.

Disease Causes:

Idiopathic refers to something that has no known cause. The reason of juvenile scoliosis is typically not known. For this reason, the most common term for this diagnosis is adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Investigations on the causes and mechanisms of scoliosis development are ongoing. Thirty percent of AIS patients have some familial history of scoliosis. A combination of hereditary and environmental variables could be the cause.

Disease Diagnosis:

Adolescent scoliosis is typically discovered during a standard physical examination.

 Our team of specialists at Cincinnati Children's Crawford Spine Center will do the following for you when you visit:

1. Conduct a thorough assessment of your youngster 

2. Examine your child's medical history

3. Conduct the necessary examinations to determine if the bones are damaged.

4- Determine how much of a spinal curve your child has.

5. To determine the precise angles of the curve, order X-rays.

The primary test for AIS is an X-ray. To obtain further data, the doctor could order additional tests. This might involve a CT scan, MRI, or ultrasound.

It is best to diagnose scoliosis as soon as possible. This implies that early treatment can begin. Prompt initiation of treatment yields optimal long-term outcomes.

Disease Treatment:

The extent and severity of your child's spine curvature will determine how best to treat their teenage scoliosis. Options from the Crawford Spine Center include both non-surgical and surgical procedures. Our doctors have developed many of our minimally invasive procedures with the most recent technologies.

The purpose of treatment is to: 

- Delay the progression of the curve.

- Adjust the curvature

- Avoid associated health problems

- Avoid or postpone the necessity for surgery.

Every patient has a unique treatment regimen. Treatment for your child could involve any of the following:

- Observing (staying put): Your youngster will follow a schedule. 

X-rays to enable the physician to monitor any alterations in the curve's degree, frequently done with softer curves.

- Bracing (TLSO braces, or thoracic lumbar sacral orthoses)

limits the advancement of scoliosis in children who are still growing, constructed from rigid plastic, can be worn and removed at home as needed, A few can be worn for up to 23 hours every day, while others are meant to be worn overnight. Typically seen in mild to moderate curves

- Options for minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery

permits the growth of two or more spine bones (vertebrae) into a single, solid bone, preventing the spine from bending. aids in the growth of a straighter spine

able to alleviate back pain utilized more frequently in teenagers and older kids.

- Vertebral body tethering (VBT), a non-fusion surgery

Country wise cost comparison for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Treatment:

Country Cost
India $10080
Thailand $11754

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 7 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 14 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


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