Hip Arthroscopy cost in India
The cost of Hip Arthroscopy in India ranges
from USD 3000 to USD 7000
Procedure Description:
Hip Arthroscopy
Hip arthroscopy is commonly used in children and adolescents to diagnose and treat labral tears (the soft tissue that surrounds the socket), cartilage injuries, snapping hip syndrome, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease (a rare condition), and femoroacetabular impingement. It has been shown to be an effective alternative for treating hip pain and inflammation, as well as confirming suspected diagnosis to help lead an appropriate treatment approach.
Children who participate in sports like football, weightlifting, sprinting, kicking, jumping or hurdling, and dancing are more likely to develop labral tears, snapping hip syndrome, and cartilage injuries; however, other hip joint conditions are congenital or the result of trauma.
If your child has been identified with one of these diseases and non-surgical treatments have failed to alleviate their pain, hip arthroscopy will be prescribed to repair the hip joint injury.
Disease Overview:
Hip joint infection:
When bacteria penetrate into the bone or joint and proliferate, it causes a hip infection. Infections can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites. Bacteria are generally found on our skin. Infections of the bones and joints are most commonly caused by these bacteria. This is classified as Septic Arthrisis, which is a painful infection in a joint caused by bacteria that have travelled through your bloodstream from another region of your body. When a penetrating injury, such as an animal bite or trauma, transports bacteria directly into the joint, septic arthritis can develop.
Septic arthritis is more common in infants and the elderly. Septic arthritis is a problem for those who have prosthetic joints. Septic arthritis most usually affects the knees, but it can also affect the hips, shoulders, and other joints. The infection may swiftly and severely destroy the joint's cartilage and bone, so it's critical to get treatment as soon as possible.
Disease Signs and Symptoms:
Septic arthritis usually produces severe pain and makes it difficult to utilise the afflicted joint. You can have a fever and your joint is swollen, red, and heated.
Signs and symptoms such as slight pain and swelling may appear months or years after knee or hip replacement surgery if septic arthritis develops in an artificial joint (prosthetic joint infection). A loosening of the joint may also develop, resulting in discomfort while moving the joint or placing weight on it. When you're at rest, the ache usually goes away. The joint may become dislocated in severe situations.
Disease Causes:
Bacterial, viral, or fungal infections can all cause septic arthritis. The most prevalent cause is Staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacterial infection. Staph can be seen on even the healthiest skin.
When an infection, such as a skin infection or a urinary tract infection, travels via your bloodstream to a joint, septic arthritis can occur. A puncture wound, medication injection, or surgery in or near a joint — including joint replacement surgery — are all less typical ways for bacteria to get access to the joint region.
Your joint lining has little ability to protect itself from infection. The damage is exacerbated by your body's response to the infection, which includes inflammation that can raise pressure and limit blood flow within the joint.
Risk Factors
The following are some of the risk factors for septic arthritis:
- Joint difficulties that already exist. Septic arthritis can be triggered by chronic illnesses and ailments that affect your joints, such as osteoarthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus, as well as past joint surgery and damage.
- Having a prosthetic joint. Bacteria can be introduced during joint replacement surgery, or bacteria might migrate from another part of the body through the circulation to infect an artificial joint.
- Taking rheumatoid arthritis medicines. Rheumatoid arthritis patients are at an even higher risk because they take drugs that decrease the immune system, making infections more likely. Septic arthritis is difficult to diagnose in persons with rheumatoid arthritis since many of the symptoms and indicators are similar.
- Fragility of the skin. Bacteria can gain access to your body through skin that breaks readily and heals poorly. Infected skin wounds, as well as skin diseases like psoriasis and eczema, raise your risk of septic arthritis. People who inject drugs on a regular basis are at a higher risk of infection at the injection site.
- Immune system is weakened. Septic arthritis is more common in people who have a weak immune system. This includes diabetics, those who have kidney or liver disorders, and those who are using immune-suppressing medications.
- Trauma to the joints. Septic arthritis can be caused by animal bites, puncture wounds, or incisions over a joint.
- You are at greater risk if you have a mix of risk factors than if you only have one risk factor.
Disease Diagnosis:
The tests listed below are commonly used to identify septic arthritis:
- Fluid analysis of the joints. Infections can change the colour, consistency, volume, and chemical composition of the fluid in your joints. A needle can be used to extract a sample of this fluid from your damaged joint. Laboratory testing can identify the organism that is causing your illness, allowing your doctor to prescribe the appropriate drugs.
- Tests on the blood. These can tell you whether you have an infection in your blood. A needle is used to extract a sample of your blood from a vein.
- Imaging tests are performed. Damage to the joint or loosening of an artificial joint can be assessed using X-rays and other imaging examinations of the damaged joint.
If your doctor believes you have a prosthetic joint infection and it's been more than a year following surgery, a specialist scan that involves eating or injecting a tiny quantity of a radioactive substance may be performed.
Disease Treatment:
1- Septic arthritis is treated with joint drainage and antibacterial medications.
2- Drainage of the joints: It's critical to get rid of the contaminated joint fluid. The following are some examples of drainage methods:
- Needle. Your doctor may be able to remove the contaminated fluid with a needle put into the joint space in some circumstances.
Procedure for determining the scope of work. A flexible tube with a video camera at its tip is inserted into your joint through a tiny incision in arthroscopy. Suction and drainage tubes are then placed into your joint using tiny incisions.
Open surgery is a type of surgery in which the patient is Some joints, such as the hip, are more difficult to drain using a needle or arthroscopy, necessitating an open surgical surgery.
Your doctor must first identify the bacteria that is causing your infection in order to provide the most efficient treatment. Antibiotics are normally administered initially through a vein in your arm. You might be able to transition to oral antibiotics later.
Treatment typically lasts two to six weeks. Antibiotics can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea, among other things. Allergic responses are also possible. Inquire with your doctor about the possible adverse effects of your drug.
Replacement joint is removed.
When an artificial joint becomes infected, the best therapy is to remove it and temporarily replace it with a joint spacer, which is a device composed of antibiotic cement. A new replacement joint is placed some months later.
If a replacement joint cannot be removed, a doctor may clean it and remove any injured tissue while leaving the prosthetic joint in place. To prevent the infection from returning, intravenous antibiotics are followed by oral antibiotics for several months.
Country wise cost comparison for Hip Arthroscopy:
Country | Cost |
India | $3600 |
Thailand | $3611 |
Treatment and Cost
Total Days
In Country
- 2 Day in Hospital
- 2 No. Travelers
- 10 Days Outside Hospital
Treatment cost starts from
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