PCNL and Stenting cost in India | Get A Free Quote

PCNL and Stenting cost in India

The cost of PCNL and Stenting in India ranges from USD 3800 to USD 8000

PCNL and Stenting:

A ureteral stent is a tiny plastic tube that is inserted into the urinary tract to assist reduce edoema and enable urine to drain. The stent will be removed at a follow-up session, usually four to fourteen days following surgery, though it may be necessary to leave it in longer.

PCNL, or percutaneous nephrolithotomy, is a frequent surgery performed in the urology department and is the first-line therapy for big or difficult kidney stones. It is routine practise in China to place a nephrostomy tube and a Double-J (DJ) stent once the treatment is completed.

PCNL and Stenting:

A ureteral stent is a tiny plastic tube that is inserted into the urinary tract to assist reduce edoema and enable urine to drain. The stent will be removed at a follow-up session, usually four to fourteen days following surgery, though it may be necessary to leave it in longer.

PCNL, or percutaneous nephrolithotomy, is a frequent surgery performed in the urology department and is the first-line therapy for big or difficult kidney stones. It is routine practise in China to place a nephrostomy tube and a Double-J (DJ) stent once the treatment is completed.

Disease Overview:

Kidney Stone

Kidney stones (also known as renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis) are mineral and salt deposits that grow inside your kidneys.

Kidney stones can be caused by a variety of factors, including diet, excess body weight, certain medical conditions, and certain supplements and drugs. From your kidneys to your bladder, kidney stones can harm any component of your urinary tract. When urine gets concentrated, minerals crystallize and bind together, resulting in stones.

Kidney stones can be quite painful to pass, but if caught early enough, they typically do not cause permanent harm. To clear a kidney stone, you may only need to take pain medication and drinkSurgery may be required in some cases, such as when stones become trapped in the urinary system, are connected with a urinary infection, or create problems.

If you're at an elevated risk of recurring kidney stones, your doctor may offer preventative therapy to lower your risk. plenty of water, depending on your circumstances.

Kidney stones come in several forms.

Knowing what sort of kidney stone you have will help you figure out what caused it and how to limit your chances of having more. If you pass a kidney stone, keep it as much as you can so you may bring it to your doctor for analysis.

Calcium stones are one kind of kidney stone. Calcium stones, mainly in the form of calcium oxalate, make up the majority of kidney stones. Oxalate is a chemical produced by your liver on a regular basis or absorbed via your food. The oxalate content of certain fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and chocolate, is high.

Dietary causes, high vitamin D dosages, intestinal bypass surgery, and a variety of metabolic conditions can all cause a rise in calcium or oxalate levels in the blood.

Struvite is a kind of struvite. A urinary tract infection causes struvite stones to develop. These stones can develop fast and become quite big, often without causing any symptoms or warning.

Stones made up of uric acid. People with diabetes or metabolic syndrome are more likely to develop uric acid stones if they lose too much fluid due to chronic diarrhea or malabsorption, consume a high-protein diet, or have diabetes or metabolic syndrome. Uric acid stones can also be caused by certain hereditary causes.

Stones made of cystine. These stones arise in persons who have cystinuria, a genetic condition in which the kidneys discharge too much of a certain amino acid. Calcium phosphate stones are another kind of calcium stone.

Disease Signs and Symptoms:

A kidney stone normally does not produce symptoms until it travels about inside your kidney or goes into your ureters, which are the tubes that link your kidneys and bladder. If it becomes trapped in the ureters, it can obstruct urine flow and cause the kidney to enlarge and the ureter to spasm, both of which can be quite painful. You may encounter the following indications and symptoms at that time:

  • Pain in the side and back, just below the ribs, is severe and intense.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and groin that radiates
  • Waves of pain with varying levels of severity
  • While urinating, you may experience pain or a burning sensation.

Other indications and symptoms to look out for include:

  • Urine can be pink, crimson, or brown in color.
  • Urine that is cloudy or smells bad
  • Urinating often or in little amounts, or urinating more frequently than normal
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Fever and chills if an infection is present The pain caused by a kidney stone may fluctuate as the stone passes through your urinary tract, for example, changing to a different site or increasing in severity.

Disease Causes:

Although various variables may raise your risk of kidney stones, there is seldom a single reason.

Kidney stones grow when your urine contains more crystal-forming chemicals than the fluid in your urine can dilute, such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. At the same time, your urine may be deficient in chemicals that prevent crystals from adhering together, allowing kidney stones to develop.

Risk Factors

Kidney stones can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Personal or family history You're more likely to get kidney stones if someone in your family has had them. You're more likely to acquire another kidney stone if you've already had one or more.
  • Dehydration. Kidney stones might be increased if you don't drink enough water each day. People who live in hot, dry areas or who sweat a lot may be more vulnerable than others.
  • Certain dietary regimens. A high-protein, sodium (salt), and sugar diet may raise your risk of some forms of kidney stones. This is particularly true if you eat a high-sodium diet. Too much salt in your diet increases the quantity of calcium your kidneys must filter, increasing your risk of kidney stones dramatically.
  • Obesity. An increased incidence of kidney stones has been associated to a high body mass index (BMI), a big waist circumference, and weight gain.
  • Digestive illnesses and surgery are two topics that come up frequently.
  • Changes in the digestive process such as gastric bypass surgery, inflammatory bowel illness, or persistent diarrhea might disrupt calcium and water absorption, increasing the quantity of stone-forming chemicals in your urine.
  • Other medical problems that might raise your risk of kidney stones include renal tubular acidosis, cystinuria, hyperparathyroidism, and recurrent urinary tract infections.
  • Vitamin C, nutritional supplements, laxatives (when used excessively), calcium-based antacids, and some migraine or depression drugs can all raise your risk of kidney stones.

Disease Diagnosis:

If your doctor believes you have a kidney stone, you may undergo a series of tests and treatments, including:

Blood tests: Blood tests may suggest that you have an excessive amount of calcium or uric acid in your system. Blood test results can help your doctor monitor the health of your kidneys and may prompt him or her to look for other medical issues.

Urine analysis. The 24-hour urine collection test may reveal that you're excreting either too many or too few stone-forming minerals. Your doctor may ask you to collect two urine samples over the course of two days for this test.

Imaging. Urinary tract imaging testing may reveal kidney stones. Even small stones can be detected using high-speed or dual-energy computerized tomography (CT).

Simple abdominal X-rays aren't utilised as often as they formerly were since they might overlook minor kidney stones.

Another imaging technique for diagnosing kidney stones is ultrasound, which is a noninvasive, rapid, and simple procedure.

Examining the stones that have past. To collect stones that you pass, you may be requested to urinate through a strainer. The composition of your kidney stones will be revealed through laboratory investigation. Your doctor will use this information to figure out what's causing your kidney stones and devise a strategy to keep them from forming again.

Disease Treatment:

Kidney stone treatment differs based on the type of stone and its source.

Small stones with little side effects

The majority of minor kidney stones do not necessitate invasive treatment. You might be able to get by with a little stone:

  • Taking a drink of water Drinking 2 to 3 quarts (1.8 to 3.6 litres) of water each day will help maintain your urine dilute and avoid stone formation. Drink enough liquids — ideally primarily water — to create clean or almost clear urine unless your doctor advises you differently.
  • Analgesics are pain relievers. Passing a little stone might be aggravating. Your doctor may prescribe ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and other pain medicines) or naproxen sodium to alleviate minor discomfort (Aleve).

Medical treatment.

To assist you clear your kidney stone, your doctor may prescribe medicine. An alpha blocker is a sort of drug that relaxes the muscles in your ureter, allowing you to pass a kidney stone more rapidly and with less discomfort. Tamsulosin (Flomax) and the medication combination dutasteride and tamsulosin are examples of alpha blockers (Jalyn).

Large stones, as well as those that produce symptoms, should be avoided.

Larger kidney stones, as well as those that cause bleeding, kidney damage, or recurrent urinary tract infections, may necessitate more aggressive therapy. The following procedures may be used:

Sound waves are used to break apart stones. Your doctor may propose extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for some kidney stones, depending on their size and location (ESWL).

Sound waves (shock waves) are used by ESWL to shatter the stones into little bits that may be passed in your urine. Because the operation takes 45 to 60 minutes and might be painful, you may be given sedative or mild anaesthetic to help you relax.

Kidney stone surgery to remove particularly big stones. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is a surgical treatment that includes inserting small telescopes and equipment via a small incision in your back to remove a kidney stone.During the procedure, you will be sedated and will be admitted to the hospital for one to two days to recuperate. If ESWL fails, your doctor may propose this operation.

To remove stones, use a scope. A narrow lighted tube (ureteroscope) fitted with a camera may be sent through your urethra and bladder to your ureter to remove a tiny stone in your ureter or kidney.

Once the stone has been identified, it may be snared or broken into bits that will pass through your urine with the use of specific instruments. To decrease swelling and improve healing, your doctor may insert a tiny tube (stent) into the ureter. During this treatment, you may require general or local anaesthetic.

Thyroid gland surgery is a procedure that removes the thyroid gland. Overactive parathyroid glands, which are positioned on the four corners of your thyroid gland, right below your Adam's apple, can create calcium phosphate stones.

When these glands create too much parathyroid hormone (hyperparathyroidism), your calcium levels rise to dangerously high levels, which can lead to kidney stones.

When a tiny, benign tumour grows in one of your parathyroid glands or you have another illness that causes these glands to generate extra parathyroid hormone, you may develop hyperparathyroidism. Kidney stones are prevented by removing the growth from the gland. Alternatively, your doctor may suggest treating the problem that is causing your parathyroid gland to release too much hormone.

Country wise cost comparison for PCNL and Stenting:

Country Cost
India $4050

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 2 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 14 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


92 Hospitals

Types of PCNL and Stenting in Artemis Hospitals and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)
No Treatment option added
  • Address: Sector 51, Gurugram 122001, Haryana, India
  • Facilities related to Artemis Hospitals: Private Rooms, Translator, Nursery / Nanny Services, Personal Assistance / Concierge, Free Wifi, International Cuisine, Phone in Room, Private Driver / Limousine Services, Post operative follow-up, Mobility Accessible Rooms, Rehabilitation, Cafe, TV in room, Car Hire, Health Insurance Coordination
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Types of PCNL and Stenting in Narayana Super Speciality hospitals and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)
No Treatment option added
  • Address: Plot 3201, Block - V , DLF Phase - III, Nathupur, Sector 24. Gurugram, Haryana - 122002
  • Facilities related to Narayana Super Speciality hospitals: Private Rooms, Translator, Nursery / Nanny Services, Personal Assistance / Concierge, Free Wifi, International Cuisine, Phone in Room, Private Driver / Limousine Services, Post operative follow-up, Mobility Accessible Rooms, Rehabilitation, Cafe, TV in room, Car Hire, Health Insurance Coordination,2 State-of-art Cath Labs with Rota ans IVUS facilities Fully Equipped Laboratory Medicine and Blood Bank Supported by a well-equipped, Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation department,
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Types of PCNL and Stenting in Paras Hospitals and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)
No Treatment option added
  • Address: C-1, Sushant Lok- 1, Sector-43, Phase- I, Gurugram, Haryana 122002 (INDIA)
  • Facilities related to Paras Hospitals: 24-hour accident and emergency service including trauma treatment,Critical care ambulance service, Blood bank, Cardiac operation theatre, Preventive health check,Diagnostic and catheterisation laboratory, Critical and emergency care, Diet counselling, Physiotherapy and rehabilitation,Laboratory and microbiological services,Stress management,24×7 pharmacy, Endoscopy unit, Emergency room.
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Types of PCNL and Stenting in Marengo Asia Hospital and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)
No Treatment option added
  • Address: Golf Course Extension Road,Sector 56, Sushant Lok II,Gurgaon - 122011
  • Facilities related to Marengo Asia Hospital: Accommodation, Airport Transfer, Choice of Meals, Interpreter, SIM, TV inside room etc
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Types of PCNL and Stenting in Metro Hospital (Heart Institute with Multispeciality) and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)
No Treatment option added
  • Address: Sector 16 A, Faridabad (NCR) - 121002. India.
  • Facilities related to Metro Hospital (Heart Institute with Multispeciality): Private Rooms, Translator, Nursery / Nanny Services, Airport Pick up, Personal Assistance / Concierge, Free Wifi, Local Tourism Options, International Cuisine, Phone in Room, Private Driver / Limousine Services, Post operative followup, Mobility Accessible Rooms, Online Doctor Consultation, Air Ambulance, Religious Facilities, Rehabilitation, Cafe, TV in room, Car Hire, Health Insurance Coordination,
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Types of PCNL and Stenting in Asian Institue of Medical Sciences and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)
No Treatment option added
  • Address: Badkal Flyover road, Sector 21A, faridabad, Haryana- 121001, India
  • Facilities related to Asian Institue of Medical Sciences: Private Rooms, Translator, Nursery / Nanny Services, Airport Pick up, Personal Assistance / Concierge, Free Wifi, Local Tourism Options, International Cuisine, Phone in Room, Private Driver / Limousine Services, Post operative followup, Mobility Accessible Rooms, Online Doctor Consultation, Air Ambulance, Religious Facilities, Rehabilitation, Cafe, TV in room, Car Hire, Health Insurance Coordination,
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Types of PCNL and Stenting in Sarvodaya Hospital and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)
No Treatment option added
  • Address: YMCA Road, Sector-8, Near ESI Hospital, Block AFaridabad Haryana 121006
  • Facilities related to Sarvodaya Hospital: Private Rooms, Translator, Nursery / Nanny Services, Airport Pick up, Personal Assistance / Concierge, Free Wifi, Local Tourism Options, International Cuisine, Phone in Room, Private Driver / Limousine Services, Post operative followup, Mobility Accessible Rooms, Online Doctor Consultation, Air Ambulance, Religious Facilities, Rehabilitation, Cafe, TV in room, Car Hire, Health Insurance Coordination,
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Types of PCNL and Stenting in QRG Super Speciality Hospital and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)
No Treatment option added
  • Address: Plot No. 1, Sector 16, Faridabad, Haryana 121002
  • Facilities related to QRG Super Speciality Hospital: Comfortable Hospital Stay, TV in room, Private rooms, Free wifi, Food by order, Wheel chair accessible, Attendant accommodation, Laundry Service, Other Hospital Facilities, Health insurance, Prayer room, Language translators, Food court, Shop, Pharmacy, Medical Care, Detailed brief by doctor about treatment plan, Teleconsultation, Rehabilitation, Post operative care, Doctor’s room visits, Dietician’s room visits, Trained nursing staffs, Complete bills, prescriptions and test reports handover,
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Types of PCNL and Stenting in Jaypee Hospital and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)
No Treatment option added
  • Address: Sector-128, Noida - 201304 (U.P).
  • Facilities related to Jaypee Hospital: Private Rooms, Translator, Nursery / Nanny Services, Personal Assistance / Concierge, Free Wifi, International Cuisine, Phone in Room, Private Driver / Limousine Services, Post operative follow-up, Mobility Accessible Rooms, Rehabilitation, Cafe, TV in room, Car Hire, Health Insurance Coordination
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Types of PCNL and Stenting in Yatharth Super Speciality Hospital and its associated cost

Treatment OptionApproximate Cost Range (USD)
No Treatment option added
  • Address: Sec - Omega - I, Greater Noida - 201309Greater Noida
  • Facilities related to Yatharth Super Speciality Hospital: Private Rooms, Translator, Nursery / Nanny Services, Personal Assistance / Concierge, Free Wifi, International Cuisine, Phone in Room, Private Driver / Limousine Services, Post operative follow-up, Mobility Accessible Rooms, Rehabilitation, Cafe, TV in room, Car Hire, Health Insurance Coordination
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