Great Ormond Street Hospital | London , United Kingdom

Profile (Overview)

The Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) is a leading paediatric healthcare facility on a global scale. We are home to the UK's only paediatric National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), along with our research partner, the UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health. The hospital has been committed to treating children's ailments and developing new and more effective treatments since it was founded in 1852. According to data from 2022–2022, Great Ormond Street Hospital sees 42,112 inpatient visits and 242,694 outpatient visits annually. The majority of the kids we look for are referred by other hospitals in the UK and abroad. At GOSH, there are more than 60 distinct clinical specialties, making it the UK's largest provider of specialised paediatric healthcare services. A small percentage of our patients are from outside of London, and more than half of them are domestic patients.

Hospital (Infrastructure)

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Hospital Awards

Available Specialities


Abraham Cherian

Abraham Cherian

London, United Kingdom

34 Years of Experience

He has worked as a Consultant Paediatric Urologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) since 2008 and has genuinely enjoyed caring for kids and their families. Both his undergraduate and master's degrees in general surgery were earned in India. Following that, he spent two years as a general surgeon with the Baptist Mission in Yemen. He relocated to the UK and pursued paediatric urology as his area of specialization after completing paediatric surgery fellowships at Nottingham's Queen's Medical Centre and Leeds General Infirmary. As a Fellow in Paediatric Urology at Nottingham, St. Thomas and Guy's Hospital, and ultimately at Great Ormond Street Hospital, this culminated in additional training and experience. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the UCL Institute of Child Health and holds an Honorary position as Consultant Paediatric Urologist at the University College London Hospital. He oversees the training program for urology at GOSH and is the surgical tutor. View Profile

Antony Michalski

Antony Michalski

London, United Kingdom

30 Years of Experience

Paediatric oncologist Dr. Antony Michalski specializes on tumors of the central nervous system. Since 1993, he has served as a consultant at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). He is the team leader of a multidisciplinary group dedicated to providing excellent results and patient-centered care. Dr. Michalski is particularly interested in treating kids who have brain and spinal cord tumors. He is particularly interested in tumors that develop in very young infants and primitive neuroectodermal tumors in childhood. degrees included include MB ChB, MRCP, PhD, and FRCPCH. Prior to being hired as a registrar at GOSH, Dr. Michalski received his paediatrics training in Birmingham and London. Before returning to GOSH for more oncology training, he completed a year of training at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. At the Institute of Child Health, he completed his dissertation in molecular oncology. He presently serves as GOSH's neuro-oncology lead. View Profile

Cheryl Hemingway

Cheryl Hemingway

London, United Kingdom

15 Years of Experience

For 15 years, Dr. Cheryl Hemingway has served as a consultant pediatric neurologist.Since 2005, she has worked as a neurology consultant full-time at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Dr. Hemingway's PhD research at Imperial College London examined how patients react to brain inflammation and infection. She has since applied the knowledge she gained from this work to offer specialized clinical care to kids with rare neuro-inflammatory disorders as well as to kids with a wide range of neurological issues. At The Johns Hopkins in the United States and the United Kingdom as well as Red Cross Children's Hospital in South Africa, Dr. Hemingway completed his neurology residency training. View Profile

Dominic Thompson

Dominic Thompson

London, United Kingdom

25 Years of Experience

At the Institute of Child Health, Mr. Dominic Thompson serves as an Honorary Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Paediatric Neurosurgery. Mr. Thompson frequently teaches paediatric neurosurgery courses for international training. Numerous chapters on paediatric neurology and neurosurgery have been published by him for textbooks. At Charing Cross Hospital in London, Mr. Thompson received his training. Before beginning a career in surgery, he worked as an anatomy demonstrator. He received his neurosurgical training at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), The Atkinson Morley's Hospital in Wimbledon, and The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in Queen Square. From 1993 through 2004, he worked as a craniofacial surgery fellow at GOSH. Since 1998, he has served as a consultant for GOSH. His specialties include Moyamoya syndrome, Craniovertebral abnormalities, and Spinal Dysraphism. View Profile

David Dunaway

David Dunaway

London, United Kingdom

16 Years of Experience

Consultant plastic and reconstructive surgeon and director of the Craniofacial department of Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), Mr. David Dunaway. At the Eastman Dental Hospital and University College London Hospital, Mr. Dunaway also contributes to the adult facial deformity service. He has a particular interest in facial deformity, pediatric craniofacial tumors, and vascular anomalies. Rital and Ritag Gaboura were successfully separated from one another earlier this year under his leadership. He served as the past president of the Royal Society of Medicine's plastic surgery division and serves as the organization's main reconstructive surgeon. View Profile

Ben Hartley

Ben Hartley

London, United Kingdom

33 Years of Experience

"At Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), Ben Hartley is a consultant ENT and head and neck surgeon. Additionally, he serves as an honorary Senior Lecturer at University College London's Institute of Child Health (ICH). He oversees the ENT specialization. He has focused solely on pediatric ENT conditions. His research examines the complete range of pediatric ENT diseases. He is well known for operating on pediatric head and neck tumors as well as lymphatic and vascular abnormalities. He is particularly interested in laryngo-tracheal repair and other airway surgeries. He oversees the GOSH cochlear implant program as the senior surgeon. At St Georges Hospital Medical School (MBBS 1990), he finished his medical education in London. He earned a BSc in Basic Medical Science with Biochemistry during his training (BSc honors, University of London, 1987). After completing his basic surgical training in London, he was able to pass the Royal College of Surgeons of England's Applied Basic Science Exam (Primary FRCS). As the UK applicant who performed the best overall, he received the renowned Hallet Medal." View Profile

Deborah Eastwood

Deborah Eastwood

London, United Kingdom

15 Years of Experience

For fifteen years, Deborah Eastwood has worked as a consultant paediatric orthopedic surgeon. She has spent the last six years working at Great Ormond Street Hospital and divides her time between this location and the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore, where she can continue to care for the "grown up children." Deborah has experience from the Royal Free and Royal North Orthopaedic hospitals. Deborah Eastwood practices pediatric orthopaedic surgery in its broadest sense, although she has a special focus in children with overgrowth syndomes, metabolic bone disease, and neurological issues. She manages hip and foot/ankle issues in addition, and she serves as the principal surgeon for the Ponseti program for clubfoot deformity. View Profile

Dr Victoria Jowett

Dr Victoria Jowett

London, United Kingdom

25 Years of Experience

Consultant fetal and pediatric cardiologist Dr. Victoria Jowett. She serves as the Clinical Lead for the Great Ormond Street Hospital's (GOSH) Fetal Cardiology Service. She began working as a fetal cardiology subspecialist in 2008 and joined Great Ormond Street in August 2019 as the fetal cardiology lead. She has a significant interest in education and training outside of her clinical role. His areas of specialty include the early detection and treatment of fetal cardiac anomalies, the early detection and treatment of fetal heart rhythm abnormalities, the screening of high-risk pregnancies, and early fetal echo. View Profile

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