Centre for Addiction and Mental Health | Toronto , Canada

Profile (Overview)

A teaching hospital for psychiatry, The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health has ten community locations across the Canadian province of Ontario, including Toronto. It claims to be Canada's biggest centre for addiction and mental health research. The Queen Street Mental Health Clinic, the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, the Addiction Research Foundation, and the Donwood Institute were all combined to become the hospital in 1998. It is the only independent psychiatric emergency department in Ontario and the largest mental health teaching hospital in Canada. Across inpatient, outpatient, day therapy, and partial hospitalisation modes, CAMH offers 90 unique clinical services. Major developments in psychiatric research, such as the identification of the dopamine receptor D2, have occurred at CAMH.

Hospital (Infrastructure)

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Hospital Awards

Available Specialities


Anne S. Bassett

Anne S. Bassett

Ontario, Canada

Years of Experience

Canadian psychiatrist Anne Susan Bassett specialises in mental behaviour. She holds the Canada Research Chair in Schizophrenia Genetics and Genomic Disorders at the University of Toronto and is a full professor there. Bassett is a Senior Scientist at the Toronto General Research Institute as well as a Clinician Scientist at CAMH. View Profile

Dr. George Foussias

Dr. George Foussias

Ontario, Canada

Years of Experience

Dr. George Foussias is the Chief of the Schizophrenia Division, a Clinician Scientist at the Campbell Family Mental Health Research Center, and the Director of the Slaight Family Centre for Youth in Transition at CAMH. He is the director of CAMH's Laboratory for Virtual Reality and Behavioural Neuroscience Research. In addition, he holds adjunct professorships at the University of Toronto's Institute of Medical Science and Department of Psychiatry. View Profile

Dr. Jo Henderson

Dr. Jo Henderson

Ontario, Canada

Years of Experience

Dr. Jo Henderson is the Executive Director of Youth Wellbeing Hubs Ontario and the Director of the Margaret and Wallace McCain Centre for Child, Youth, and Family Mental Health at CAMH. Also, they hold the positions of Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and Senior Scientist in the Child, Youth, and Emerging Adult Program at CAMH. Dr. Henderson's research focuses on enhancing youth and family engagement, collaborative service delivery models, information translation and sharing, and access to care for kids with drug use, mental health, or comorbid issues and their families.Dr. Henderson presently oversees a number of federally sponsored programmes that seek to develop integrated methods to serving adolescents and families while also addressing issues with youth mental health and substance use. These initiatives engage partners from the community, health, and government sectors from all around Canada and have had a significant influence on national practise and policy. View Profile

Dr. Sean A. Kidd

Dr. Sean A. Kidd

Ontario, Canada

Years of Experience

Sean Kidd is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto as well as a Clinical Psychologist, Senior Scientist, and Division Chief of Psychology at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Development and evaluation of interventions for people with severe mental illnesses and homeless youth have been areas of interest. His work has focused on digital health interventions for severe mental illness, housing stabilisation interventions for homeless kids, cognitive and critical time interventions for populations with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, and global health work on homelessness and climate change. View Profile

Dr. Marco Battaglia

Dr. Marco Battaglia

Ontario, Canada

Years of Experience

At CAMH, Dr. Marco Battaglia serves as the division's associate chief of child and adolescent psychiatry. At the University of Toronto, he has the title of Full Professor of Psychiatry. The main areas of genetic epidemiology and developmental psychopathology that Dr. Battaglia is interested in studying include anxiety and depressive disorders. He uses intermediate markers (ERPs, fMRI, DTI, respiratory measurements, and nocioception) that connect specific physiological functions between liability variables and behaviour to study individuals, twins, and families from general population and clinical samples. Early parental separation is a common adversity that affects behaviour and some neurophysiological functions that are common to preclinical animals and humans. This common adversity also has an impact on certain common behaviours. View Profile

Dr. Ofer Agid

Dr. Ofer Agid

Ontario, Canada

Years of Experience

Dr. Ofer Agid is the Medical Head of the Home Intervention for Psychosis (HIP) team at CAMH and a Clinician Scientist and Psychiatrist in the Schizophrenia Division. In addition, he holds an adjunct professorial position at the University of Toronto's Department of Psychiatry. The area of psychopharmacology in schizophrenia, particularly the early response to antipsychotic drugs and the early predictors of response, is the focus of Dr. Agid's study. His research has shown a brand-new "early onset of action" concept for antipsychotics, which has changed how schizophrenia is being treated. View Profile

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