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Dental Problem

Tooth caries, enamel flaws, dental erosion, and periodontal disease are examples of dental diseases. Dental caries is caused by organic acids produced by bacteria in dental plaque demineralizing enamel and dentine (the hard tissues of the teeth).

TMJ disorders

Pain and compromised movement of the jaw joint and the surrounding muscles.

Plaque and calculus (tartar)

Calculus, often known as tartar in dentistry, is a hardened type of tooth plaque. Minerals from saliva and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) precipitate as plaque on the teeth, causing tooth decay.

Wisdom teeth problem

The wisdom teeth are the last to erupt (appear) in the mouth. A wisdom teeth can become impacted (stuck below the gum line) and develop at an abnormal angle, potentially creating difficulties.

Infected tooth

An infection causes a pocket of pus in a tooth. An untreated cavity, an injury, or outdated dental work can all cause an infection.

Broken Teeth

When a crack occurs in your tooth, it is referred to as a fractured tooth or cracked tooth syndrome (CTS). The fracture might be minor and innocuous at times. It might also cause your teeth to crack or split.

Tooth loss

One or more teeth become loose and fall out when a person suffers from tooth loss. When a person's baby teeth are replaced by adult teeth, tooth loss is typical. Other causes include dental avulsion, tooth decay, and gum disease, among others.

Tooth Alignment

The alignment of teeth and the way the upper and lower teeth fit together is referred to as occlusion (bite). The higher teeth should overlap the lower teeth somewhat. The molars' tips should fit into the grooves of the opposing molar.

Tooth decay

Teeth have permanent damage that develops into small holes. Bacteria, eating, drinking sugary drinks, and not brushing your teeth properly are all causes.

Dental Health & Appearance Problem

An individual's face and physical appearance is heavily influenced by his or her dental appearance.


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