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Adenoid glands disease

Adenoiditis is an infection-related inflammation of the adenoids. Adenoids are lymphatic tissue lumps that assist the body in fighting infection. Adenoids are situated right below the nose in the throat, often known as the pharynx.

Chronic otitis media

In the presence of a tympanic membrane hole, chronic otitis media (COM) is a recurring infection of the middle ear and/or mastoid air cells. Hearing loss, otorrhea, auditory fullness, otalgia, and occasionally genuine vertigo are frequent symptoms of COM.

Chronic sinusitis

When the areas within your nose and head (sinuses) become swollen and inflamed for three months or more, despite therapy, you have chronic sinusitis. This common ailment causes your nose to become stuffy by interfering with the regular drainage of mucus.

Hole in the eardrum

A hole or tear in the thin tissue that separates the ear canal from the middle ear is known as a ruptured eardrum (tympanic membrane perforation) (eardrum). Hearing loss can be caused by a ruptured eardrum. It can also result infections in middle ear.

Deviated septum

When your nasal septum is severely shifted to one side, one nasal air flow becomes narrower than the other. When the thin wall (nasal septum) between your nasal passages is moved to one side, it is called a deviated septum.

Otosclerosis-related hearing loss

Hearing loss is caused by otosclerosis, an uncommon disease. It occurs when the stapes, a tiny bone in the middle ear, becomes trapped in place. This usually occurs when bone tissue in your middle ear develops abnormally around the stapes.

Chronic sinusitis

When the areas within your nose and head (sinuses) become swollen and inflamed for three months or more, despite therapy, you have chronic sinusitis. This common ailment causes your nose to become stuffy by interfering with the regular drainage of mucus.


The two oval-shaped tissue pads at the back of the throat are inflamed. Tonsillitis is primarily caused by a virus, although it can also be caused by bacteria. Sore throat, swallowing difficulties, and sensitive lymph nodes are some of the symptoms.

Throat cancer

Cancer of the vocal cords, larynx (voice box), or other parts of the throat is known as throat cancer. Smokers and tobacco users are at risk of acquiring throat cancer. Smoking and drinking alcohol together raise the risk of throat cancer.

Turbinate dysfunction

Turbininate dysfunction happens when the turbinates, or bone structures on the inside of the nose, stop working properly. The main job of the turbinates is to keep nasal airflow in check. Most common turbinate problem is hypertrophy or enlarged turbinates

Sensorineural hearing loss

Damage to inner ear tissues or the auditory nerve results in sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL).

Sleep-disordered breathing

Snoring and/or increased respiratory effort as a result of increased upper airway resistance and pharyngeal collapsibility are two symptoms of obstructed sleep disordered breathing (SDB), a syndrome of upper airway dysfunction during sleep.


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