Explore Vaginoplasty Cost in India | Most Popular Hospitals: HCH

Vaginoplasty cost in India

The cost of Vaginoplasty in India ranges from USD 4400 to USD 9000

Procedure Description:


A vaginal reconstruction is a surgical operation used to restore a vagina that has been damaged by disease, trauma, or other circumstances. Because it can remove the penis, scrotum, and testicles and construct a vagina and vulva, it can also be a sort of gender-affirming surgery.
A "vagina" is the term used by many to describe all the reproductive organs connected to being designated female at birth (AFAB). But, it's crucial to remember that a vagina is the muscular, hollow canal that is hidden from view in order to comprehend vaginoplasty. A person's vulva is the portion of their genitalia that is visible.

A person may want to pursue vaginoplasty for a variety of reasons. Several of the explanations include:

1. Vaginal delivery: Your vaginal muscles are stretched and loosened during a vaginal delivery. Your vagina may become less tight as you age. This may impair sexual function and result in uncomfortable symptoms.
2. Medical conditions: Following radiation therapy for cancer, some people may require vaginal reconstruction. In the event that your physician removes your vagina during cancer treatment, a vaginoplasty may also help you get a new look.
3. Congenital conditions: Your vagina's appearance and functionality may be impacted by some congenital abnormalities, or conditions that exist from birth. This could include having an undeveloped vagina that prevents you from menstruating or being born without a vagina.
4- Gender affirmation: Getting a vaginoplasty can help people become more feminine.

Disease Overview:

Vaginal Cuts and tear

Simple or superficial vaginal cuts usually heal in a week or so. Usually, they don't cause any long-term issues or leave any permanent scars. It's crucial to see a medical expert if, after a few days, your symptoms haven't improved. Cuts in the vaginal region are frequently the result of penetrating sexual activity. These cuts have a tendency to heal on their own.

You may also be more vulnerable to rips or scrapes in this region under certain circumstances.

Disease Signs and Symptoms:

Minor bleeding and discomfort, especially when urinating, are common side effects of vaginal cuts.

However, simply suspecting that you have a cut in your genital area is insufficient. Examining the depth of the incision and determining whether additional symptoms, such as pus, are present are necessary for the right course of treatment.

The best way to evaluate your symptoms is to hold a hand or compact mirror so you can see your vulva and vagina reflected back. Many people find that lying on their back or sitting on the edge of a surface, like a chair, makes this task easier.

If you are unable to see in this manner, you might be able to determine the extent of the cut by lightly touching the damaged region. To stop the transmission of bacteria, always wash your hands both before and after handling any wound, especially one that is in the genital area.

Disease Causes:

Microtears or simple cuts are other names for superficial vaginal injuries. These cuts often heal in a few days, according to Trusted Source.

Regular activities frequently result in minor cuts, such as:

1. Shaving or removing additional body hair

2. Menstrual products inside

3. invasive partner sex or masturbation

Disease Treatment:

The purpose of your vaginoplasty will determine the specific operation.

 During a vaginoplasty operation to repair a damage or to address looseness, the following steps are involved:

1. Removing excess or drooping tissue or skin.

2. Securing any loose tissue within your vaginal canal with stitches.

3. Reducing the size of your vaginal entrance by retraction or excision of extra tissue.

4-Congenital defects that can be repaired by a vaginoplasty include:

- establishing a working vagina.

- eliminating extra tissue or deformities you were born with.

- keeping the blood from collecting during the menstrual cycle.

Country wise cost comparison for Vaginoplasty:

Country Cost
India $5040
United Arab Emirates $4194

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 3 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 14 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


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