Explore Facelift Cost in India | Most Popular Hospitals: HCH

Facelift cost in India

The cost of Facelift in India ranges from USD 1800 to USD 6000

Procedure Description:

Face lift

One popular kind of cosmetic surgery is a facelift, which aims to improve the visible indications of aging on your face and neck. There are numerous sorts of facelift operations, so it's crucial to chat to your surgeon about what will work best for you.

A facelift (also known as a rhytidectomy) is a broad term for any surgical operation that improves indications of aging in your face and/or neck by relocating or removing skin, fat and/or muscle. Ageing indicators that can be restored with a facelift include:

1. Your face's sagging, relaxed skin.

2. The lines that form a deep fold or wrinkle between your mouth's corners and nose.

3. A decrease in or absence of facial fat.

4. Drooping skin around your jaw and/or cheekbones (jowls).

5. Loose skin and additional neck fat that gives the appearance of a "double chin."

Facelifts are considered cosmetic restorative treatments and cannot fundamentally modify your appearance or stop the aging process. Furthermore, they are unable to address UV damage, uneven skin tones, or superficial wrinkles. Facelifts are highly customized procedures that are specific to the aims of the patient and their particular face.

Problem Overview:

Facial Aging problem

Age-related fat loss causes it to clump up, move lower, and lose volume, which can cause previously round features to sink and tight, smooth skin to become loose and droop. We tend to develop saggy around the chin and jowly in the neck when other areas of the face, especially the lower half, accumulate fat in the meantime.

Problem Sign and Symptoms:

As the years pass, a plethora of changes occur, some of which are evident and well-known:

1. Hairlines recede as foreheads grow

2. Because the cartilage in our ears grows, they frequently get a little longer.

3. As the connective tissue supporting the nasal cartilage weakens, nose tips may droop.

Problem Causes:

Numerous variables contribute to facial aging issues, some of which you can influence and others of which you cannot:

1- Age. With aging, the skin naturally becomes less elastic and drier, with less fat and collagen in the deeper layers. This process results in the lines and creases typical of wrinkling. It also produces loose, sagging skin.

2. Rays of ultraviolet light. The aging process of the skin is accelerated by ultraviolet radiation from the sun and other sources, particularly in those who are prone to sunburn. It breaks down the elastin fibers and collagen in skin. Without these supportive connective tissues, the skin loses strength and flexibility.

3. Pollution and smoking. Smoking and air pollution speed the aging process.

4. Repetitive expressions on the face. Fine lines and wrinkles are a result of facial expressions and movements. For example, every time you squint, grin and frown, microscopic grooves emerge beneath the surface of the skin. Skin can no longer spring back as it ages and loses its flexibility. Then, these grooves take on characteristics of the face.

5. Ancestry. Your skin's texture and appearance are largely determined by the genes you inherit.

Problem Diagnosis:

In order to diagnose facial aging, a patient must examine their skin to determine the causes of any wrinkles and lines. Your medical history and personal priorities are also discussed with your doctor. The choice of treatments that may best suit your needs and objectives regarding outcomes, side effects, and recovery time is aided by this discussion.

Problem Treatment:

To assist smooth wrinkles, a variety of wrinkle treatment treatments are available. Your doctor may suggest two or more treatments for the best result.

1- Prescription creams and serums. Your doctor may recommend an anti-wrinkle product with prescription-strength retinoids. The source of this component is vitamin A. These lotions and serums are meant to diminish fine wrinkles and splotches.

2. Shots of Botox. When injected in modest doses into targeted muscles, Botox blocks the muscles from moving. This helps skin look smoother.

3. Chemical exfoliation. You can have a chemical peel as an outpatient procedure. Usually, numbing is not necessary. You may be given drugs to put you in a sleep-like state for extensive resurfacing.

4- Fillers for the face. Facial fillers are products injected into the skin. The fillers plump and smooth lines and creases. Examples are calcium hydroxylapatite (Radiesse), poly-L-lactic acid (Sculptra) and hyaluronic acid (Restylane, Juvederm, others).

5- Laser resurfacing. Laser resurfacing is a general term for facial rejuvenation procedures that use energy to improve the skin's appearance. Skin sagging cannot be corrected by these operations, but they can smooth the skin.

6-Injections of deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid (Kybella) injections are used to address excess fat under the chin. This is frequently referred to as a double chin. Under the skin, deoxycholic acid is injected. It functions to break down excess fat cells.

7- Face-lift and neck lift. During a face-lift procedure, the underlying muscles and tissues are tightened while the skin is raised. Enhancing the appearance of the lower face, neck, and jawline is the aim. A neck lift is often done at the same time. A face-lift won't correct fine wrinkles, sun damage, uneven skin color, or creases around the nose and upper lip.

Country wise cost comparison for Facelift:

Country Cost
India $2430
Turkey $3739
Thailand $3890
United Arab Emirates $8301
Iran $3303
Singapore $7798
Singapore $7798
Egypt $2374
Canada $8849

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 2 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 10 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


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