Explore Cervical Cancer Treatment Cost in India | Most Popular Hospitals: HCH

Cervical Cancer Treatment cost in India

The cost of Cervical Cancer Treatment in India ranges from USD 5200 to USD 10000

Cervical Cancer Treatment

Treatment for cervical cancer is based on a number of variables, including your choices, any coexisting medical conditions, and the cancer's stage. Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or a mix of the three may be applied.

Surgery is the usual course of treatment for small cervical cancers that haven't spread outside of the cervix. Which operation is ideal for you will depend on the size and stage of your cancer as well as if you would like to explore getting pregnant in the future.

Possible choices could be:

Treatment for cervical cancer is based on a number of variables, including your choices, any coexisting medical conditions, and the cancer's stage. Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or a mix of the three may be applied.

Surgery is the usual course of treatment for small cervical cancers that haven't spread outside of the cervix. Which operation is ideal for you will depend on the size and stage of your cancer as well as if you would like to explore getting pregnant in the future.

Possible choices could be:

1. Surgery to remove just the cancer: A cone biopsy may be able to remove all of the cancer in a very small cervical carcinoma. During this surgery, a cone-shaped section of the cervical tissue is removed, leaving the rest of the cervix intact. You might be able to think about getting pregnant in the future with this choice. A trachelectomy is the surgical removal of the cervix.

2. A hysterectomy, or removal of the uterus and cervix, is surgically performed. A radical hysterectomy procedure is used to treat the majority of cervical malignancies that have not progressed outside the cervix. This entails the excision of the uterus, cervix, vaginal wall, and adjacent lymph nodes. Frequently, a hysterectomy will both cure the cancer and prevent it from returning. 

However, the removal of the uterus prevents conception.

Country wise cost comparison for Cervical Cancer Treatment:

Country Cost
India $5850
Thailand $6089
Canada $20436

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 5 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 25 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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