Explore Buttocks Lift Cost in India | Most Popular Hospitals: HCH

Buttocks Lift cost in India

The cost of Buttocks Lift in India ranges from USD 2800 to USD 7000

Procedure Description:

Buttocks Lift

A buttock lift is a type of cosmetic surgery used to enhance the buttocks' look. This can be included in a stomach tuck procedure. Alternatively, it could be used with a lower body lift to sculpt the abdomen, thighs, groin, and buttocks.

Excess skin and fat are removed from the buttocks during a buttock lift procedure. After that, the remaining skin is moved to give the appearance of more tone.

The buttocks cannot gain volume with just a buttock lift. However, an augmentation is occasionally paired with a buttock lift. Using implants or fat removed from other areas of the body, an augmentation modifies the size or form of the buttocks.

Disease Overview:

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

A mental health illness known as body dysmorphic disorder causes an individual to obsess about one or more perceived imperfections in their appearance, even if they are small or invisible to others. But you might avoid a lot of social situations because you feel so nervous, embarrassed, and ashamed.

When you suffer from body dysmorphic disorder, you may spend several hours a day worrying excessively about your appearance and body image. You may also find yourself constantly grooming, checking the mirror, or looking for validation. You experience severe distress and find it difficult to carry out your everyday activities as a result of your perceived fault and the recurrent behaviors.

Disease Sign and Symptoms

Body dysmorphic disorder signs and indicators include:

1. Being overly fixated on a perceived appearance problem that, in the eyes of others, is insignificant or invisible

2. A strong conviction that you are unattractive or deformed due to a flaw in your appearance

3. Feeling that people make fun of you or pay undue attention to how you look. 4. Relying on actions that are hard to control or resist that are meant to cover up the perceived fault, including constantly checking the mirror, grooming, or poking at your skin.

5. Making an effort to cover up apparent defects using clothing, makeup, or styling

6. Always contrasting your appearance with that of others

7- Constantly looking to other people for validation about the way you look

8- Possessing an obsession with excellence

9- Seeking unsatisfactory cosmetic procedures

10- Steer clear of social situations

Disease Causes:

The precise cause of body dysmorphic disorder is unknown. Body dysmorphic disorder, like many other mental health conditions, can be caused by a variety of factors, including a family history of the disorder, negative experiences or assessments of your body or self-image, abnormal brain function, or abnormal serotonin levels in the brain.

Body dysmorphic disorder appears to be more likely to develop or be triggered by a few factors, such as:

1. Having blood relatives who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder or body dysmorphic disorder

2. Adverse life events, like bullying, abuse, or neglect as a child

3. Specific character attributes, like the need for perfection

4- social pressure or beauty standards

5- Having another mental illness, such sadness or anxiety

The precise cause of body dysmorphic disorder is unknown. Body dysmorphic disorder, like many other mental health conditions, can be caused by a variety of factors, including a family history of the disorder, negative experiences or assessments of your body or self-image, abnormal brain function, or abnormal serotonin levels in the brain.

Body dysmorphic disorder appears to be more likely to develop or be triggered by a few factors, such as:

1. Having blood relatives who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder or body dysmorphic disorder

2. Adverse life events, like bullying, abuse, or neglect as a child

3. Specific character attributes, like the need for perfection

social pressure or beauty standards

4. Having another mental illness, such sadness or anxiety

Disease Diagnosis:

Your healthcare practitioner could send you to a mental health specialist for additional assessment following a medical evaluation to help rule out other medical conditions.

Body dysmorphic disorder is usually diagnosed based on:

1. A psychological assessment that evaluates risk factors including behaviors, emotions, and ideas associated with a poor self-perception

2. Medical, familial, societal, and personal histories

3. Symptoms and indications

Disease Treatment:

A Butt lift increases the size and form of your butt while eliminating fat from other regions of your body. Applicants should have reasonable expectations and be in good physical and mental health.

A Butt lift (BBL) is a surgery that removes fat from other parts of your body (liposuction) and enhances the appearance of your buttocks.

Despite its name, a Brazilian butt lift isn't a typical "lift" surgery like a facelift or breast lift. Your butt will gain volume and a better form with a Brazilian butt lift, but sagging or extra skin will not be improved. See your doctor about a butt lift if you have extra skin or sagging skin.

Country wise cost comparison for Buttocks Lift:

Country Cost
India $3420
United Arab Emirates $5423
United Arab Emirates $5423
Singapore $7798

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 1 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 9 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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