Explore Forehead / Brow Lift Cost in India | Most Popular Hospitals: HCH

Forehead / Brow Lift cost in India

The cost of Forehead / Brow Lift in India ranges from USD 2400 to USD 5000

Procedure Description:

Forehead / Brow Lift

A brow lift is a type of cosmetic surgery where your forehead is moved to lift it, smooth out wrinkles, and make you look younger.

Your skin becomes less elastic as you get older. Wrinkles are caused by the cumulative effects of UV damage weakening your skin and gravity pulling your brow down. Your eyebrows may develop "frown lines" on your forehead, which give you an angry or serious appearance. It's also possible to create horizontal lines. Your eyebrows may droop to the outside, giving you a depressed or worn-out appearance. A forehead lift can be the best option for you if you want to reverse these organic changes to your body.

An additional term for a brow lift is:

1. Lifting the forehead.

2. Rejuvenating the forehead.

3. Browplasty.

4. A lateral (temporal) brow lift.

Disease Overview:

Brow ptosis

The term "brow ptosis" refers to the decline of the eyebrow from its natural anatomical position to a cosmetically unappealing point, or to vision field limitations caused by extra soft tissue pressing on the eyelid and causing it to descend.

Disease Sign and Symptoms:

Brows at or below the superior orbital rim are indicative of brow ptosis. Patients usually have greater temporal brow droop than medial brow droop, as was previously mentioned. Considerable dermatochalasis may emerge as a result of prominent brow ptosis.

Disease Causes:

The primary causes of brow ptosis include sun exposure, gravity, and the involutional degradation of the skin and soft tissues. Brow ptosis can also result from denervation of the brow elevators due to trauma, surgery, botulinum toxin treatment, or disease processes.

Disease Diagnosis:

Ptosis is usually identified by the look of a drooping eyelid by medical professionals. It could be harder to identify if both eyelids are impacted. Your medical professional will conduct a physical examination.

Disease Treatment:

By weakening the depressor supercilii muscle, botulinum toxin injections can effectively treat spastic brow ptosis or even gently elevate the brow; however, specific medical therapy is necessary for more systemic etiologies such as myasthenia gravis.

A brow lift is a type of cosmetic surgery where your forehead is moved to lift it, smooth out wrinkles, and make you look younger.

Your skin becomes less elastic as you get older. Wrinkles are caused by the cumulative effects of UV damage weakening your skin and gravity pulling your brow down. Your eyebrows may develop "frown lines" on your forehead, which give you an angry or serious appearance. It's also possible to create horizontal lines. Your eyebrows may droop to the outside, giving you a depressed or worn-out appearance. A forehead lift can be the best option for you if you want to reverse these organic changes to your body.

An additional term for a brow lift is:

1. Lifting the forehead.

2. Rejuvenating the forehead.

3. Browplasty.

4. A lateral (temporal) brow lift.

Country wise cost comparison for Forehead / Brow Lift:

Country Cost
India $2970
United Arab Emirates $3561
Singapore $5328
Canada $7023

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 1 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 9 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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