Explore Laparoscopic Hernia Repair Cost in India | Most Popular Hospitals: HCH

Laparoscopic Hernia Repair cost in India

The cost of Laparoscopic Hernia Repair in India ranges from USD 2800 to USD 6000

Procedure Description:

Laparoscopic Hernia Repair:

Laparoscopic surgery is less intrusive, causes less discomfort, and has a shorter recovery period. Only 2 to 4 small incisions are created, and a thin scope with a tiny camera is put through one of them. This equipment offers a real-time image of the interior architecture. Surgical devices are placed through the remaining incisions to fix the hernia. Typically, a mesh is used to seal and strengthen the abdominal wall. After the surgery, sutures are used to close the incisions.

Disease Overview:

A hernia is an organ protrusion or covering through a gap in the wall of the cavity that normally holds it. Hernias in the abdomen are by far the most prevalent. They occur when the inner layers of the abdominal muscle weaken, resulting in a bulge or rupture. The inner lining of the abdomen pushes through the weakening portion of the abdominal wall to produce a tiny balloon-like sac, similar to how an inner tube pushes through a broken tyre. A loop of intestine or abdominal tissue may be able to press into the sac as a result of this. A hernia can cause excruciating pain and other possibly life-threatening complications, necessitating immediate surgery.

A hernia can be congenital (present at birth) or develop over time. A hernia does not improve with time or disappear on its own. Hernias are more common in men, although they can also affect women and children.

Disease Signs and Symptoms:

The most noticeable sign of a hernia is a lump or protrusion in the afflicted area. Other signs and symptoms are determined by the size and location of the hernia.

- You may notice a bump in the area where your groyne and upper thigh meet if you have an inguinal hernia.

- You experience pain and discomfort that gets worse at the end of the day or after lengthy hours of standing.

- Aches and pains while bending, coughing, or moving heavy things

- A sense of weakness or pressure in the groin.

- Pain or discomfort during urinating or bowel motions.

- If you have a hiatal hernia, you may find it difficult to swallow meals and have a burning feeling in your chest.

Disease Causes:

Hernias are caused by a weakness in the abdominal wall, which permits the contents of the abdomen to be forced out when the abdominal wall is strained. Muscle weakness can be caused by a number of factors, including - the failure of the abdominal wall to seal correctly in the womb. This is a congenital abnormality that might manifest itself in childhood or adolescence.

- As you become older, your muscles lose tone and you may develop a hernia.

- Injuries cause damage.

- Pregnancy, which increases abdominal pressure and strains the abdominal wall.

- Lifting of large goods incorrectly.

- Constipation, which causes abdominal tension during bowel movements.

- Coughing or sneezing on a regular basis.

- Excessive weight gain in a short period of time.

- Hernias are also more likely to occur in people with diseases like cystic fibrosis.

- Cigarette smoking can also lead to the formation of a hernia.

Although a hernia bulge might happen unexpectedly, hernias usually grow over time. As pressure inside the abdomen forces the intestines or other tissues out through the weak spot, they become bigger.

Disease Diagnosis:

A protrusion in the groin area will be checked by your doctor. Because coughing and standing can accentuate a hernia, you'll most likely be urged to stand and cough or strain. Your doctor may recommend an imaging test, such as an abdominal ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI, if the diagnosis isn't clear.

Disease Treatment:

The weakening in the abdominal wall is repaired during surgery to treat a hernia. Muscle and connective tissue can be sutured together to heal the defect in a typical way. Or, to achieve a tension-free repair, specific mesh materials are employed to patch the weak region.

Hernioplasty is a procedure that is used to repair a herniotomy plus reinforcement of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal with a synthetic mesh

Open surgery and keyhole or laparoscopic surgery are the two most common methods of surgery.

Key-hole surgery is a basic laparoscopic procedure that involves making tiny incisions and putting a mesh in the afflicted area to treat a hernia.

Country wise cost comparison for Laparoscopic Hernia Repair:

Country Cost
India $2880
United Arab Emirates $5273
Singapore $9059

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 2 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 7 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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