Explore Ovarian Cancer Treatment Cost in India | Most Popular Hospitals: HCH

Ovarian Cancer Treatment cost in India

The cost of Ovarian Cancer Treatment in India ranges from USD 4800 to USD 10000

Ovarian Cancer Treatment

Surgery together with chemotherapy is the standard treatment for ovarian cancer. In certain cases, alternative therapies might be employed.
Surgery to eliminate cancer of the ovaries involves:
1- Surgery to remove one ovary: Affected ovary and its fallopian tube may be removed during surgery if the cancer is still in the early stages and hasn't progressed to other ovaries. Your fertility may be preserved by this surgery.
2- Ovarian excision surgery: Your surgeon may elect to remove both of your ovaries and fallopian tubes if you have cancer in both of them and there are no indications of new cancer. You could still be able to conceive with donor eggs or your own stored embryos after this treatment because it doesn't damage your uterus.
3- Surgery to remove the uterus and both ovaries: Your surgeon will remove the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, surrounding lymph nodes, and an omentum, a fold of fatty abdominal tissue, if the cancer is further advanced or if you do not want to keep your capacity to bear children.
4- Surgery to remove as much of the cancer as possible: If your cancer has progressed, your doctor may advise surgery. In this case, chemotherapy may be administered either prior to or following surgery.

Additional medical interventions include:

1- Chemotherapy
2. Personalized treatment
3. Immunotherapy
4-Hormone Replacement Treatment

Country wise cost comparison for Ovarian Cancer Treatment:

Country Cost
India $5760
United Arab Emirates $10695
Singapore $18770

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 5 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 16 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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