Explore Breast Lift (Mastopexy) Cost in India | Most Popular Hospitals: HCH

Breast Lift (Mastopexy) cost in India

The cost of Breast Lift (Mastopexy) in India ranges from USD 2100 to USD 5000

Procedure Description:

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Over time, changes in weight, pregnancy, and age can cause the breasts to lose their suppleness and sag. Surgery to elevate, contour, and tighten the breasts is known as a mastopexy or breast lift. It can also enhance other flaws, such as asymmetry. Breast augmentation or reduction can be paired with a breast lift. There are hazards involved, but results are apparent right away.

A mastopexy, or breast lift, is a surgical procedure used to alter the appearance and form of the breasts. A plastic surgeon performing a mastopexy can:

1. Lift your breast higher on your chest.

2. Aim for greater symmetry or exactitude in your breasts.

3. Make your areola, the black region surrounding your nipple, facing forward as opposed to downward.

4. Trim any excess skin that has possibly stretched with time.

5. Resculpt your breasts to give them a more rounded look.

To provide superior support for your areolas and nipples, tighten your breast tissue.

Disease Overview:

Sagging or ptotic breasts

Breast ptosis, or breast sagging, is a highly prevalent ailment. Your breasts will change with time, just like other aspects of your body. The nipple may tip downward, your breasts may appear to lie lower on your chest, and the top of your breast may not be as full as it once was.

Disease Sign and Symptoms:

Breast ptosis, or breast sagging, is a highly prevalent ailment. Your breasts will change with time, just like other aspects of your body. The nipple may tip downward, your breasts may appear to lie lower on your chest, and the top of your breast may not be as full as it once was.

Disease Causes:

Breast sagging is mostly caused by:

1. Age: As a woman ages, her skin naturally becomes less elastic. Additionally, the ligaments that support her breasts may weaken, causing the breasts to sag.

2. Pregnancy and lactation: The breasts vary significantly during these times, which may lead to the ligaments supporting the breasts stretching.

3. Variations in weight: Skin elasticity and contractility can result from significant weight increase or decrease.

4-Genetics: Genetic factors, including skin elasticity and breast size, may predispose certain women to having sagging breasts.

5. Cigarette Use: Smoking can promote accelerated aging and damage to the skin's suppleness, both of which can result in sagging breasts.

6. Bad posture: Slouching or hunching over all the time might make the breasts droop over time.

While it's true that some of these variables may be beyond our control, women can still take certain precautions to help stop or slow down the drooping of their breasts.

Disease Diagnosis:

Using a ptosis scale to describe the nipple position in relation to the inframammary crease and grade the degree of drooping, a general practitioner or plastic surgeon can identify sagging breasts. The Regnault ptosis scale, which is listed below, is the most widely used one.

1. Modest Ptosis (Grade I): When there is modest ptosis, the inframammary crease and the nipple are at the same level.

2. Moderate Ptosis (Grade II): In a moderate ptosis example, the lower breast tissue hangs below the nipple, which is located below the inframammary crease.

3. Advanced Ptosis (Grade III): The nipple is located at the level of maximum breast projection and below the inframammary crease in an advanced ptosis instance.

Disease Treatment:

Certain surgeons may recommend breast augmentation to decrease breast ptosis. A person may need both a breast lift and an augmentation, depending on the type of ptosis. According to certain medical professionals, augmentation might not be effective if the nipple is at least two cm above the inframammary crease.

Over time, changes in weight, pregnancy, and age can cause the breasts to lose their suppleness and sag. Surgery to elevate, contour, and tighten the breasts is known as a mastopexy or breast lift. It can also enhance other flaws, such as asymmetry. Breast augmentation or reduction can be paired with a breast lift. There are hazards involved, but results are apparent right away.

A mastopexy, or breast lift, is a surgical procedure used to alter the appearance and form of the breasts. A plastic surgeon performing a mastopexy can:

1. Lift your breast higher on your chest.

2. Aim for greater symmetry or exactitude in your breasts.

3. Make your areola, the black region surrounding your nipple, facing forward as opposed to downward.

4. Trim any excess skin that has possibly stretched with time.

5. Resculpt your breasts to give them a more rounded look.

To provide superior support for your areolas and nipples, tighten your breast tissue.

Country wise cost comparison for Breast Lift (Mastopexy):

Country Cost
India $2700
United Arab Emirates $5898
Singapore $10873
Canada $3223

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 1 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 9 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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