Explore Hip Resurfacing Surgery Cost in India | Most Popular Hospitals: HCH

Hip Resurfacing Surgery cost in India

The cost of Hip Resurfacing Surgery in India ranges from USD 4400 to USD 10000

Procedure Description

Hip Resurfacing Surgery

One kind of hip replacement surgery is hip resurfacing. It employs implants to treat osteoarthritis and other disorders that cause hip stiffness and pain. By replacing broken bone and tissue, the implants promote more flexible mobility. The greatest candidates for hip resurfacing are men under 60.It improves hip arthritis pain. The treatment is carried out by an orthopaedic surgeon, an expert in bones and joints.

Disease Overview


The most prevalent kind of arthritis, osteoarthritis, affects millions of individuals throughout the world. When the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones breaks away over time, it causes this condition. Although osteoarthritis may affect any joint, it is most typically seen in the hands, knees, hips, and spine.

Although the damage to joints cannot be undone, the symptoms of osteoarthritis may typically be treated. Staying active, eating a nutritious diet, and receiving some treatments may help reduce disease development and improve pain and joint function.

Disease Sign an Symptoms

Osteoarthritis symptoms often appear gradually and worsen with time. The following are some of the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis:

- Pain. It is possible that the affected joints will pain during or after movement.

- Stiffness. Joint stiffness may be more obvious when you first wake up or after a period of inactivity.

- Tenderness. When you apply light pressure to or near your joint, it may become sensitive.

- Flexibility is being lost. It's possible that you won't be able to move your joint completely across its range of motion.

- The sense of grating. When you utilise the joint, you may notice a grating sensation and hear popping or cracking.

- Bone spurs are a kind of bone spur. These additional fragments of bone might grow around the afflicted joint and feel like hard lumps.

- Swelling. This might be due to inflammation of the soft tissues around the joint.

Disease Causes

Osteoarthritis develops when the cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones in your joints deteriorates over time. Cartilage is a tough, slick tissue that allows for practically friction-less joint movement.

If the cartilage is fully worn down, bone will rub against bone.

Osteoarthritis is sometimes referred to as a wear-and-tear condition. However, osteoarthritis affects the entire joint, not only the cartilage. It causes bone alterations and the connective tissues that keep the joint together and connect muscle to bone to deteriorate. Inflammation of the joint lining is also a side effect.

Risk Factors

The following are some of the factors that might raise your risk of osteoarthritis:

- Getting older. Osteoarthritis becomes more common as people get older.

- Sex. Women are more prone than males to get osteoarthritis, while the reason for this is unknown.

- Obesity. Osteoarthritis is exacerbated by excess body weight in various ways, and the more you weigh, the higher your risk. Weight gain puts strain on weight-bearing joints like your hips and knees. Fat tissue also creates proteins that can cause severe inflammation in and around joints.

- Injuries to the joints Osteoarthritis can be exacerbated by injuries sustained while participating in sports or as a result of an accident. Even injuries that appear to have healed many years ago might put you at risk for osteoarthritis.

- Stress on the joint on a regular basis. If your profession or an activity you participate in puts repetitive stress on a joint, that joint may develop osteoarthritis over time.

- Genetics. Osteoarthritis is a condition that some people inherit.

- Deformities of the bones. Some people are born with faulty cartilage or deformed joints.

- Some metabolic disorders. Diabetes and an overabundance of iron in the body are two examples (hemochromatosis).

Disease Diagnosis

During the physical exam, your doctor will look for soreness, edoema, redness, and flexibility in the afflicted joint.

Tests of imaging

Your doctor may suggest that you acquire photographs of the afflicted joint by:

- X-rays. Cartilage loss is shown by a narrowing of the area between the bones in your joint, which is not visible on X-ray pictures. Bone spurs surrounding a joint can also be seen on an X-ray.

- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a type of imaging that (MRI). An MRI produces comprehensive pictures of bone and soft tissues, including cartilage, using radio waves and a strong magnetic field. An MRI isn't always required to diagnose osteoarthritis, although it can give additional information in some circumstances.

- Tests in the lab- The diagnosis can be confirmed by testing your blood or joint fluid.

- Tests on the blood. Although no blood test exists to diagnose osteoarthritis, some tests can help rule out other causes of joint pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Fluid analysis of the joints. A needle may be used by your doctor to collect fluid from an inflamed joint. The fluid is then examined for inflammation and to see if your discomfort is due to gout or an infection instead of osteoarthritis.

Disease Treatment

osteoarthritis find it helpful in the short term.

Surgical and other interventions

If conservative therapy are ineffective, you may wish to explore surgeries like:

- Injections with cortisone. Corticosteroid injections into your joint may reduce discomfort for a few weeks. Your doctor numbs the region around your joint before injecting medicine through a needle into the joint space. Because cortisone injections can increase joint deterioration over time, the number of shots you can have each year is usually restricted to three or four.

- Injections of lubricant. Hyaluronic acid injections may help reduce discomfort by providing cushioning in the knee, however other evidence shows that these injections are no better than a placebo. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally present in joint fluid.

- Bones are realigned. An osteotomy may be beneficial if osteoarthritis has injured one side of your knee more than the other. A surgeon performs a knee osteotomy by cutting through the bone above or below the knee and then removing or adding a wedge of bone. Your body weight is shifted away from the worn-out area of your knee as a result of this.

- Joint replacement is a procedure that involves replacing a joint. Your surgeon will remove your damaged joint surfaces and replace them with plastic and metal pieces during joint replacement surgery. Infections and blood clots are two surgical hazards. Artificial joints can wear out or become loose over time, necessitating replacement.

Country wise cost comparison for Hip Resurfacing Surgery:

Country Cost
India $5310
Canada $19001

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 3 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 22 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


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