Explore Breast Cancer Treatment Cost in India | Most Popular Hospitals: HCH

Breast Cancer Treatment cost in India

The cost of Breast Cancer Treatment in India ranges from USD 2800 to USD 8000

Breast Cancer Treatment:

Surgery to remove the malignancy is often the first step in the treatment of breast cancer. After surgery, the majority of patients with breast cancer will have additional therapies such hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and radiation. Prior to surgery, some patients might get hormone therapy or chemotherapy. These drugs may lessen the cancer's size and facilitate its removal.

The specifics of your breast cancer will determine how you will be treated. Your healthcare team takes into account the cancer's stage, growth rate, and hormone sensitivity of the cancer cells. Your care team also takes into account your preferences and general health.

Breast cancer surgery: Typically, this technique includes removing the malignancy from the breast as well as a few surrounding lymph nodes. The following procedures are used to treat breast cancer:

1. Lumpectomy: This procedure involves removing the breast cancer along with a portion of the surrounding healthy tissue. There is no removal of the remaining breast tissue.

2. Mastectomy: A mastectomy is an operation in which the entire breast is removed. Complete mastectomy, commonly referred to as simple mastectomy, is the most popular type of mastectomy treatment.

3. Sentinel node biopsy: This procedure involves removing a few lymph nodes for examination. Often, the surrounding lymph nodes are the initial sites where breast cancer spreads. A surgeon removes part of the lymph nodes near the cancer to check for spread of the disease.

Country wise cost comparison for Breast Cancer Treatment:

Country Cost
India $3150
Thailand $6516
United Arab Emirates $13513
Singapore $19517
Canada $36419

Treatment and Cost


Total Days
In Country
  • 4 Day in Hospital
  • 2 No. Travelers
  • 26 Days Outside Hospital

Treatment cost starts from


0 Hospitals

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